Monday, June 29, 2009


Marco and Anna arrived on Saturday and have already gotten a good taste of Jackson...they have already gone mountain biking, a float down the Snake River and a kayak on Jenny Lake in Grand Teton National Park and they still have 3 more days here, yay!!!

There were 9 of us floating the Snake River on Saturday afternoon in Ted's raft...
Trevor, Marco, Anna, Chelsea and the top of Ted's head

Marco and Anna on the Reilly's deck...our after-float BBQ destination.

Our only option for Marco and Anna was the enormous double-seater kayak! : )

Marco and Anna kayaking around Jenny Lake

Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael was one "Bad" muthah

Rock and Me holding the biggest fish I caught of the trip. This catfish grilled up nicely for dinner that night!

Ted hitched a ride on our boat for a while, then we kicked him curbside like a stranded sailor at sea

Yes, you can never be too safe! Me hucking with a PFD on...

BC and Cody come in on the "Part Timer"

Man and his best friend "Otis"

Rock catching fish in the hot sun, story of the trip

Cody airing it out in one of the many swimming holes we found

El Capitan Rob with a good sized smallie. Notice the rod in the picture. The ol man dusted off some of his relic spinner rods from the garage for the trip and they were deadly!

Teddy Ball Game getting some

Pete releasing yet another hungry bass

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

We have flowers!

Okay, for everyone (maybe just me) who needs a little break from boys and fishing, here are some pics from the date night Trev did for me last night. For those of you not familiar, Trev and I try to plan some surprise for the other and do "dates" every once in awhile, we do them with no particular regularity, but are thinking maybe we should step it up, especially in the summer when there are so many great ideas and fun things to do!

Last night Trev surprised me with loads of flowers and we finally planted some boxes and hangers for our large "patio", is that even what you call our cement block out back? I don't know.

A clean-shaven Trev serving up shishcabobs (?)...I know it looks like we are feeding 30, but we really just like leftovers, okay?

Made some planters...

Made a mess...

Stevie helping Trev...boy bonding time

Looking so innocent (and really he is, but I thought the scene was funny)

Doing what we can to beautify!

And just FYI, I am sure you all know this already, but if you want to see a photo larger you can just click on it!

More JDR

Jason with some casual reading

Jason, Teddy, and Aaron rolling really hard on the Party Barge

Mark, Aidan, and Tyler discussing the meaning of life, thinking they have found it on the river.

BC and Cody the bass killahs

Teddy and Pete playing some night time horseshoes around the camp. A few of the camps we stayed in had perfect sand for throwing some mean shoes. Fires were not allowed on the JDR so we had to use propane lanterns and headlamps too.

Cody and Nick packing up camp in the morning.

We had heard rumors of scorpions, rattle snakes, and a ton of ticks, but luckily didn't meet up with any of these unwanted critters

Evening ritual of unpacking the boats and hauling all the group gear up to the kitchen

Ted's raft aka "The Party Barge" sailing the smooth waters of the John Day River

Swimming was huge on this years river trip. Temps were hot and the water was perfect. Seemed like we spent as much time in the water as out of it this year. Teddy airing it out.

Pretty sure I backslapped on this one!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Oregon en Fuego

No Tyler, whiskey and firearms although very fun, is probably not a good combination

Doing what happens most on river trips, catching up and bullshitting with buds
Yes, sunscreen was needed
Really content
Ripper and Rock pulling into an eddy party
BC enjoying himself on day #2
Jason and Hager into yet another catfish, this one got we tied to the boat with designs on eating, but it magically somehow got away
Aidan showing some small mouth love
The crew eddy'd up
Trevor stretching a smallie

More shots from the John Day River float trip in Oregon last week.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

One Hell Of A Trip!

Just got home tonight after a two day drive back from the yearly river trip through Oregon, Idaho, and finally on to Jackson. This rad trip was easily one for the ages and has already taken on a mythical following amongst the lucky crew that went! We had epic weather, caught a ton of fish, and most importantly, laughed until our stomach's hurt.

I am going to post pictures throughout the week in as close to chronological order as possible, so, stay tuned in to see the trip from start to finish via the lens of my camera. Not even the daunting task of going back to work tomorrow is diminishing the big buzz I am on from our float and fishing trip to the John Day River in central Oregon. Awesome!

You know you are doing something weird when other shoppers at Wal-Mart are giving you strange looks. We carted out 4 full carts of beer among other "essentials."

Part of the 7 truck/boat convoy we were rolling dirty with, John Day, OR

Getting ready to launch for the 6 day float at the Clarno Bridge between Clarno and Fossil, OR

Really desolate and uncrowded country in this part of Oregon

Boats packed, coolers cold, and the posse ready

Dad packing his boat below the cracks of Clarno bridge

"Fish On" Jason Rolfe with the first landed boat of the trip, a catfish! The fishing was pretty legendary on the trip with folks catching 40 plus fish in a day sometimes. Most of the fish caught were small mouth bass, but we also caught a handful of catfish and also two pike.

Mark "Rock" Walter fired up to be on the river with a cocktail in hand

Coming back after scouting out Clarno rapids which were a pretty technical class III-IV run

My uncle Pete stoked after running safely through Clarno rapids