And wiser, of course! Sunday was my birthday so Trev and I decided to grab the snowmobile and head up to Granite Hot Springs to soak away and get a Christmas tree. It ended up being a perfect mellow lounging day, just what I wanted!
On our way up the hot springs...go bright colors, huh?
Throwing on the galoshes and getting ready to walk across the icy creek to the hidden hot pools on the other side...this is NOT the fun part!
Almost froze the little tootsies off, but we made it...lounging and de-thawing!
The steam and heat felt so good on a chilly day.
Trying to regulate the heat was the biggest challenge of the day.
Of course we had a little Champers to help us celebrate!
Aaahhhh...never want to leave.
But we did.
And we picked out the perfect Christmas to tow back on the back of the snowmobile.
Now that was an awesome day.
Thumbs up to a great day and perfect Christmas tree and another year of awesomeness!