Monday, September 28, 2020

In for the weekend...

Our buds Tyler and Christina came down from Montana for the weekend and camped out in our yard.  It was great to see them, get on the river, and distance with some good friends.  


The BOys...

Dash and the boys are clearly loving his new bed!  


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Night work.

Never ever lost on me how nice it is to have space to work on things now.  

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The best...

Well, well, well....Marco and Anna came by for an afternoon and a night (slept in back yard in tent) but man was it awesome to see those guys.  It had been too darn long since Dash got to hang with Uncle Marco and Auntie Anna.  

En route to school this morn.  


All three

 All three boys in the house are digging the new bed set up.  


 Empty roads this week on lunch breaks.  

Moto n Fall....

I sure do dig riding dirtbikes in the fall.  It is the best of all worlds.  Nice ride last weekend.  



Dash outgrew his bed that we got him when he was three.  So, we got him a new bed and decided to remodel his room a bit. 




Missing an old friend

 Hot damn did if feel good to hit the golf ball the other day for the first time this year.  

Years in the making...

So random, but so darn cool.  Lil ol Dubois, WY now is the proud home of a WWII museum.  We hit it up on the way back home and were absolutely blown away by the size, scope, and professionalism that the museum has.  Dash was all about it!  We will be back.  


A big one!

                                                                                    My bud Charlie and I bit off a big ol ride two wekeends ago to Thermopolis.  It ended up being 216 miles.  A long one with just two guys.  The day was perfect, but started off at 23 degrees and cold and by the time we finished, it was 90 degrees.  

Interesting things you run into along the way.  

Nope, not southern Utah.  It is western Wyoming.  

We both just took a credit card and stopped the handful of gas stations along the way to get drinks and food.  

Thankful for Wyoming, it's open spaces and lack of people.  

WHen you have been on your bike all day, you get a 500 calorie big ice cream sandwich and wash it down with a Coke!  

Nearing the end, last fuel up spot.  

Entering the home stretch into the Wind RIver Canyon.  

THe look that you muster at 215 miles with one to go!  

Beauty of a camping spot after the big ride.  Chels and Dash were awesome to drive over and shuttle me back the next day.  

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Monday, September 14, 2020

Random but awesome

 My bud Tony that I grew up with just happens to be a pilot in the Army.  And, he just happened to pick Jackson to get some high elevation training last week, and, Dash and I just happened to get a full tour of his plane.  It was cool.  

Last on on Munger

 Munger mountain, one of only three legal rides available to moto'ers in Jackson closes on September 9th every season.  WEll, of course we were the last  ones up there for the season on the 9th.  

Getting too heavy and too big too quickly!

Swinging for joy...

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Backpacking out the back door

 We bookended the weekend with a backpack that we literally left from our house.  It turned smokey, but it was awesome nonetheless.  

 Dash did so well.  He was leading the charge the entire two days.