Monday, March 10, 2025

Mid winter reprieve

What a treat getting over to the islands and seeing my folks, feeling warmth, hearing the birds and de-thawing.  
10 years old, Mr. Dashman.

Dash and Grams.

Mini golf'n.

Whenever possible, we love to check out state capitols.  

Morning routine.  

We went to a UofH basketball game.

A big hit with Dash was touring Pearl Harbor.  

Hanging with GR.

Daily pool sessions trying not to disturb the older folks with games of football!


Sunday, March 9, 2025

Living that Jan life....

Skiing with Dylan at the Vil.

Poor Tippy almost died.  Chels had to take her over to Idaho Falls where they were able to save her with not but a couple of hours to spare.  In the end, we learned that she has Addison's Disease which is now a life long thing that she has to take both daily and monthly meds for.  

Dash's school got to go skiing on Thursdays for Jan and Feb.  Lucky dude.  Hanging with buds Charlie and Xavier.

Dash got an art class at CFA from my parents for X mas.  He has been digging it.

Trenchtown rock on the sleds.

Ski race at White Pine.

Our driveway looked like this for about a month this winter.  Ugh.

I went to Cheyenne for part of the legislative session as a board member for the union that I serve on.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Weekend bliss

Up to Granite with the boys.

Race day at the Ghee.

Skating at Half Moon Lake.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Off the the right start...

Sledding was good in January.

Nordic skiing with the fam.

And a bit of hockey too.

Hanging with the homeys.


Thursday, March 6, 2025

Onward to January

Ahh one of our favs.

Skiing with Dylan.

We love it when Lizzy visits.

A good day on the sled.

Indoor soccer started up.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

NYE and sledding

Out sledding with friends that were in town from Crested Butte.

A JH Lizzy sighting.

NYE torchlight parade on the King.

The fam and our bud Jacko.