My Grandparents en route to dinner and celebrating 70 years of marriage! Quite a feat.
Most of extended family was able to get to sunny, warm, and really nice Palm Springs for the big event.
My cousin Clai, Grandpa Jim, me, uncle Ted, and my Dad. Pretty sure my 92 year old grandfather has more hair on top of his head than the rest of us young bucks combined!
As much as I love winter, a little break in the white world is always so important to kind of recharge the winter batteries. Palm Springs did just that. The weather was perfect in the low 70's everyday. It is always so awesome to get on a plane and leave the black and white world of winter , void of smells and sounds, and then emerge into a world of t- shirts, shorts, flowers, fresh cut grass, et.
Winter always feels like it has a deadening effect on your senses.
Swimming in the middle of February outside does nothing but heighten your senses and make you think about summer!
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