Wednesday, March 30, 2011

New Orleans

Just getting back into the swing of things after a long weekend down in New Orleans for my buddy Chris "BC" wedding. All I can say is Vegas doesn't have a thing on "Nola". The Big Easy knows how to have a good time. We had a crew of over 10 people make the trek that I used to work with back in the day at Teton Valley Ranch Camp.

Teddy celebrating?? while in a cemetery. Given that all of New Orleans is below sea level, all the gravesites are above ground. Rock looking on in amazement at Teddy.

Ohh, and open containers are not only ok in New Orleans, they are encouraged!

All I took for a camera for the weekend was my smart phone, so, some of the pictures are pretty blurry. Teddy, Thaw dawg, Lcam, Brein, and Proops sampling some Jello.

Not to worry, Ted is a certified lifeguard.

And then there is Bourbon St..... Not a lot more to say other than it was certainly one of the more festive scenes I have ever seen. The weather was in the mid 80's during the day and got to the low 70's at night. Everyone rocks it out there into the morning hours. Everything is 24 hours of goodness.

The man of the hour, BC and Proops, clearly getting their pastel grooves on.

Maggie and BC, the bride and groom with the "Wyoming Crew."

For anyone that has never been to New Orleans, do yourself a favor, it is full of culture, good people, and a nightlife that rivals anywhere in the world.

Proops, heading to clinch his thirst.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Packing It All In

This little 3 week window right now in late March/early April always manages to be some of my favorite weeks of the whole year. The Days are long and the snow is still falling. Yesterday I went up on Teton Pass early in the morning to ski before work and was treated to a beautiful sunrise.
Jackson just set a 24 hour record for snowfall Monday to Tuesday with 29 inches of snow in a 24 hour period!

Easily the best way to start ones day.

I worked all day, and then busted out of work at 5 and headed up north of town to go snowmobiling. The snow had settled a bit with some warm weather, but it was still awesome squeezing in skiing and snowmobiling in the same day with a full day of work in between.

Tim making a turn on a ride with the Tetons as a backdrop.

What it's all about. Tim ripping.

Shot of me carving in the pow. We rode up Shadow Mountain which is a tiny sliver of National Forest land sandwiched by Wilderness, Elk Refuge, and National Park Lands (all places where sleds are not allowed).

Me busting through a cornice at the end of the ride, just before dark.

Powder, nobody around, throttling at 8pm with a pretty sweet backdrop. It doesn't get any better!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

500" Strong

With a couple more weeks left in the lift access ski season here in Jackson, we managed to eclipse the 500" mark of total snowfall for the winter. All that really means is that it has been one hell of an awesome winter!
Chels got out today on yet another powder day at the Village.

And I skied up on Teton Pass after work. Anytime snow is sticking to your face it means it was deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

Skiing at almost 8 pm in March is the bomb!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Welcome Spring (and Nadja!)

We were lucky to ring in spring with a short visit from my friend Nadja, all the way from Switzerland! Her and I used to race together in college at Montana State and so what better way to spend her one day in Jackson than a beautiful blue-bird ski day at the Village!

Her very first run we took her up the tram and she jumped into the famed Corbet's Couloir (awesome work girl!) we are in the cave half-way down the run.

And we are off...

Nadja ready for more.

Our awesome crew today and yes, I am using my amazing pink poles...
(thank you Marco! a wedding gift : )

With Trev as our guide, we ventured out of the gates and into the backcountry (Jackson is a pretty unique ski area with such amazing access to backcountry, at your own risk, just out of bounds)

So into Horseshoe Couloir we went, a steep and intimidating, but really fun ski with a small mandatory air in the middle. It is pretty gorgeous with the rock walls towering high overhead on both sides of you.

A better look at what we just, fun, fun!

Nadja and I scoping another line on the way to the bottom. Good thing I have my bright pink pack (and poles for that matter) so Trevor can find us!

More soft snow goodness to the bottom.

Nadja, thanks for the visit, always fun to show a ripping skier around this amazing playground that we love so much. Awesome day today and maybe next time you will be showing us around Switzerland?

Happy Spring everyone!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Enjoying the extra daylight

Last weekend the weather was warm and sunny. Tim and I went sledding down in the Hoback Range near Bondurant, WY up Cliff Creek. The views were amazing.

We climbed to around the 11,000ft level, had lunch, snapped a few shots, and the rode back down to the truck.

One of beauties of snowmobiling. No crowds, just you, your buds, and cool country.

I thought this shot was really good to give you some perspective on how far you can get into the backcountry in no time at all on a snowmobile. If you look at the little knob in the foreground that has half dirt, half snow, Tim is standing on his sled at the top of it. Below you can see all the way down to the Hoback River drainage where we started 20 miles and 5,000ft of elevation below.
That is the Gros Venture mountain range in the background.

Daylight savings time is really cool this time of year! Myself, Teddy, Ben, and Case all got off work at 5 today and still managed to score knee deep powder up on Teton Pass.
This is a shot of Ben at the top. The weather was insane. 60 plus mph winds, over a foot of fresh, etc.
Ben is leaving on Tuesday for the Himalaya. He is going to be guiding up on Everest for March-May. Then will be guiding up on Denali in Alaska for June, then finishing up the summer of living out of a tent in the snow with July and August guiding up on Mt. Rainer in Washington. Bummed that Ben won't be around to adventure and hang here in Jackson for the summer, but obviously so stoked for him that he is going to be attempting Everest.

Hope to see you on the Smith in July Ben...Good luck.

I thought it ironic this sticker in the cave at the top of the hike today. I certainly fell into this believe all through my 20's seeing a 9-5 as nothing short of a death sentence. Now, I have come full circle and work a 6:30am to 5, so, what does that say about my life being ruined?!!!! Whatever, I have built in three day weekends into my work schedule, love my job, and still manage to have a ton of fun.

Teddy, Ben, and Case, immersed in a full on white out.

Teddy, throwing no concern to being a 9-5 er!

The Hoot!

On Monday we went to the Hootenany, which is a free weekly gathering of amazing musical talent in the valley. This last Monday was the celebration of the 800th "Hoot", so they had special guests the King Street Ramblers play a set. They were great, definite crowd pleasers (and our talented friend Tom Marshall is the lead singer) so check them out!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Pass

Marco ended up crashing on our couch for almost a full week. It was a blast having him here and indulging in all that makes Jackson the shiznit in the winter.
Marco booting up to the top of Glory on Teton Pass.

On top of the pass gearing up for a pow run.

As only a brother can, Marco convinced Chels that getting up at 5 am to go skiing was a great idea! The three of us were hiking before 6 am, and getting face shots in knee deep fluff a little after 7.

The siblings getting toward the top.

Rena, this shot is for you! Happy customers after an awesome powder run.

Hiking up Hwy 22 back to the truck, trying to avoid commuter traffic.

Marco, we loved having you here in Jackson, our couch is your couch!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Departure from the norm

Marco has been making his living skiing since most of us were just trying to figure out where the 1990's went! So, what better way to do something other than cramming your feet in really uncomfortable ski racing boots 200 days a season than to mix it up and go sleddin!!!
Chels, Marco, and I went out to Togwotee Pass last week and had a blast sharing my sled and getting some of the goods (foot of fresh and bluebird)

This is why Togwotee is such a great place to ride from pro's to those that have never been on a sled before. It is comprised of endless meadows to play around on.

I did shuttle laps between some meadows a few miles past the truck. I would piggy back with Chels and Marco getting farther and farther away trying to find untracked meadows for them to play around in.

Hey ski racer guy, while a full facial helmet went out of style in ski racing in the 1980's, it is warranted and needed in the sport of snowmobiling!

Marco getting both feet on his inside rail and ripping some pow.

Chels, with the shot of the day, clearly making the boys look bad!

Marco and me doubling up and charging.

"yea, all you have to do is lean and give er some throttle"

Marco getting chased by a snow ghost.

Once Marco's professional ski career comes to a close, my prediction is that he will get hopelessly addicted to snowmobiling. Here he is ripping after only a couple of times on a sled.

Happy customer, but still in need of a full facial helmet!