Chels, Marco, and I went out to Togwotee Pass last week and had a blast sharing my sled and getting some of the goods (foot of fresh and bluebird)
This is why Togwotee is such a great place to ride from pro's to those that have never been on a sled before. It is comprised of endless meadows to play around on.
I did shuttle laps between some meadows a few miles past the truck. I would piggy back with Chels and Marco getting farther and farther away trying to find untracked meadows for them to play around in.
Hey ski racer guy, while a full facial helmet went out of style in ski racing in the 1980's, it is warranted and needed in the sport of snowmobiling!
Once Marco's professional ski career comes to a close, my prediction is that he will get hopelessly addicted to snowmobiling. Here he is ripping after only a couple of times on a sled.
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