Monday, April 27, 2015

Road trippin'

 I am lucky enough to travel all over Wyoming every month for work depending on where kids that I work with are placed.  For years I seem to go to Thermopolis and Worland every month.  I absolutely love it over there and it always feels good to get out of the bubble that is Teton County.  For the first time, Chels came with me and so did Dash!  We wanted to get out of town and see how Dash fared on his first long distance car trip.  

Dash, looking tiny next to a big ol stegasauras....I think?  

 The Wind River Canyon. Once of the more beautiful stretches of highway in the 307.  

 Dash, looking cool in his mom's shades.  

Mid day park scene in Thermopolis.  

Final verdict.....traveling with an infant takes longer, no matter how you slice and dice it, but, it's awesome!  Well done Dash. 

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