Saturday, November 10, 2018


 Ummmmm, wow....., who knew that Rock Springs had such quality moto riding?  My moto buds have been telling me for a couple of years now how kick ass the dirtbiking is down there.  So, I decided to take them up on their recommendations and power on down there with them last weekend.  It did not let me down!  

PIcture above is from the second day.  Despite the conditions, we rode for a few hours before the weather got the best of us.  

 All the rest of the photos were from the day before when it was almost 50 degrees, sunny, and, well, not snowing!  85 mile loop of amazing singletrack.  

 Desert riding 3 hours away instead of 8 like it takes to get to southern Utah.  

 Riding steep hills with the Green River in the background.  

 Our crew ran into another moto crew from Laramie area.  

 Very nice place to eat a sandwich.  


 Damn nice vistas.  

 THe moto load and unload.  

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