We decided to go on an exploratory mission this weekend and drag the pop-up trailer to a lake that we hadn't been to before. Last year we had an
amazing trip to Green River Lakes, so we decided to try out a sister lake, New Forks, and see what she had to offer. New Forks Lake was where this fire was raging as we drove by last year on our way to Green River Lakes...

Above is driving by New Forks Lake last year.
Below is kayaking on it this year.

You can see the burned out hillside behind me in this pic. One side of the lake is pretty charred and the other is nice and green.

This is the view from the far side of the lake. It is kind of shaped like an hourglass and we camped right in the middle at the campground appropriately named, the Narrows.

Cool little pink flowers and lily pads, I love it here! I nestled my kayak into these and read the afternoon away while Trev went on some exploratory fishing missions.

Pulling back to the little sandy beach below our camp

Now this is where the fun begins....you see Trev is really on it and I seriously mean that, he is the best packer and never forgets anything. So, when we got to camp and he says "Oops...I forgot something..." I figured it was maybe the back-up flashlight or the 8th down blanket or something like that.
"What is it?"
"I forgot the keys to the pop-up"

Uh-oh. We tried to pry it open, to no avail, which I guess is a good thing...at least we know this beauty is safe on the streets at night! But, damn. So back of the truck it was. And it was raining, so that is where dinner AND sleep were had. A new camping experience. At least we didn't forget the wine!

Woke up to a beautiful morning, look at this pretty water! We spent a few hours kayaking around and then hit the road so Trev could explore some creeks on the way home.

Action photo of Trev in Granite Creek, scaring the daylights out of some poor hungry fish.

Kind of like
A River Runs Through It, right? My own Brad Pitt right there. What a lucky girl I am.