Thursday, September 21, 2017

Have Strider will travel....

 Sensing a similar theme here?  Yea, the lil man is straight addicted, which is so cool.  

Last weekend up in GTNP.  You know what Dash, sometimes in life one has to break a few laws here and there to have fun!  

 Picnic on the beach.

 I am pretty sure what happened last weekend was something resembling a "family bike ride?"

Momma bear and her lil cub. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Dirt ripper

 Helmet, check.  Strider bike, check.  Sweats, check.  Sweater, check.  All ready for the daily dirt rip on the Strider.  This lil man can't get enough of this awesome lil bike.  

 Chasing single track out the back door above the Snake.  

 Hurry up Dad.  

Twas a tire lil man once we got home after this couple hour bike mission. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Going back a few years...... 2004, surfing in Taiwan!  I found this pic when digging through some random stuff doing some house cleaning the other day. 

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Planning on next year

 By virtue of the podium placing last weekend........, like it or not, I am guaranteed entry into 2018 Lotoja.  So........, I know what I will be doing most of next summer, logging miles on the bike.  

Coming across the line with a time of 9:08, over a minute behind the first place rider, but what looks to be a good distance in front of the 3rd place rider.  It was a great result and one I was very happy and proud of.  

 The podium.  

Love this fam. 

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Lotoja 2

 As I sit here and type this out, it is currently deciding between rain and snow out the window right now and it makes me so thankful it was nice weather last weekend!  

Kristen taking end of the journey shots of JH rider and friend Lexi coming down the home stretch.  

 My faithful support crew!  Can't thank you gals and Dash enough for sacrificing a weekend to just sit around and watch people in spandex.  YOu guys are awesome.  Dinner is on me!  

 Riding from Logan, UT to Teton Village is a pretty awesome thing for anyone, much less for Jackson locals.  You ride home!  

Cooling off in the creek afterward. 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Lotoja much love for this event.  It is a full summer commitment just for one day, however, it is now in my bones and something I will do every year if possible.  

Last Saturday was a great day on the bike.  Weather, support crew, tail winds, etc. all combined for one hell of a day.  I rode in the Cat 3/4 division.  The group started off close to 80 strong in Logan, UT, and by the time we got to Teton Village, the war of attrition had got the group to about 15.  

206 miles in 9 hours and 8 minutes.  

 Our group, with our motorcycle escort/official making our way up the canyon.  

Sprinting in route to a 2nd place finish. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Strider Nation

 Dash has a serious infatuation with his Strider bike right now.  It literally goes everywhere with him!  Yesterday he went into the bank, post office, and fire station with me while I was running errands, all on his bike.  It reminds me of people who take their dogs literally everywhere with them!  

Strider nation down by the bridge the other day.  

Monday, September 11, 2017

Nowhere nearly enough

 This past summer got away from us in a way that no summer has to this degree in the past.  Between traveling, work, house projects, and a lil active one, it went by way, way too fast.  And with that, not nearly enough moto happened.  

Chels got out last week and the smile on her face says it all.  

 Post moto picnic.  

 No pressure needed.  Dash has taken to the Strider in a serious kind of way.  He is riding singletrack these days!  

So much love for this and everything about it. 

Never finished

 Seems the landscaping and improvements never seem to end, but I say that in the best kind of way.  A while back Dash and I put in the finishing touches to the horse shoe pit.  


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Hard work cool off....

 Not a lot better after a day of landscaping in the hot sun then cruising down to the local swimming hole for a dip.  

 It is a sketchy trail.  

To a unbeatable swimming hole. 

Thursday, September 7, 2017


Not sure what happened to the quality, or lack thereof on these shots.  

But, this was last week, when there was a moment of clarity prior to the smoke descended upon the valley.  

There could be worse places to change a flat! 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

More visitors please.

 Marco and AnnA......come back as often as you can, please!  We miss ya already.  

 Brother, sister, nephew.  Love.  

 Cheesy yet awesome family shot.  

 WHen it hasn't rained in far, far too long, and you wanna ride  your bike through a puddle, what is a lil man to do but improvise.  

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

M and A

 Wazzup ladies?

 Dash chasing Uncle Marco around.  

 Our new favorite swimming hole just down the road.  

Monday, September 4, 2017


Luckily I was not hurt. 

Sunday, September 3, 2017


 The Tuesday crew threw in a bit of dirt on last weeks ride for good measure.