Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Still finding it.,..

We had to venture pretty deep to find the goods today, but darn it, we damn well found it.  



Dash had his best bud Xavier down yesterday for an outside play date.  They were digging riding the snowmobile.  


New adventures...

Dash and I took a trip down to Sublette Co. yesterday and went ice skating while my sled was getting worked on.  So cool to have a lake entirely to ourselves.  It was only about -20 out.  


More goodness....

The riding a couple days after X mas was pretty darn sweet.  Still low tide conditions, but, sledding makes everything better.  


Saturday, December 26, 2020


Dash had one hell of a great X mas yesterday.  


Xmas eve...

X mas eve  was a good day around these parts.  


Making the most of...

Some inconsistent snow conditions early season. 


Total treat...

What an absolute treat it has been having some  time off and getting to hang one on one with the lil dude the past week.


The goods...

Getting to ski with your best buddy over X mas break...., priceless!


Not fair...

 We put up some home made bird feeders out the window a bit ago and the mountain chickadees have been all over them.  These guys are salivating......

Budding artist...

 This dude is starting to turn out some damn amazing artwork!  Just like his mom!

Sunday, December 20, 2020


Was good to get the stuck game going today.  If you are not getting stuck, then you are not trying hard enough! 


The builder

This guy loves to build things...., been getting darn creative with his magnet builds.  

And..., frosty went up the other day too!



Just had a three day weekend getting to ride sleds all three days.  No complaints here! 


Thursday, December 17, 2020

Back at the King...

Today's daily lap on the king was nice, really nice.  


School projects...

 Been really fun to watch this guy bring home cool art projects the last couple of weeks.  

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


PRetty darn amazing day for Dash and the kids at his school.  Santa came via helicopter!  Yea, no joke.  


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Crafty Sunday...

The whole gang got properly into some crafting today.  

We made some pinecone bird feeders.  

Then had Ziggy to help hang them in the trees.  

And...., a mega airport magnet and block build all lit up via X mas lights.