Monday, March 22, 2021

Still digging...

 Different day, same vibe!

The build...

 Been fun to watch Ben's build of this awesome van come together.  Dash really digs climbing the ladder.  

Last of a thing of beauty

 Hard to believe there is just one more week left of this rickety old classic double chair.  Looking forward to the new Gondi, but will miss the quaintness of this relic.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

A damn fine day...

Dash was so stoked today to help his best bud Xavier celebrate his 6th bday.  The crew went skiing in the rain/snow mix at the King and could not have been more stoked.


New digs....

 Had to try out the new tent before heading south.

Sunday, March 14, 2021


Chels has  been super busy the past few months taking a yoga teacher training class.  So, Dash and I have been having some darn fun missions just the two of us.  


Making me laugh...


Dont let it leave...

Making the most of what remains of the ski season here.  We took some laps after school and work last week.  



 Taco under the guidance of Dash....

Da boys...

Out for a  rip in the sun last weekend.  


Saturday, March 6, 2021

Still going...

We found some pretty rotten snow today in places!



 Ice skating today with Xavier turned into wrestling on snowbanks.  

Suns and turns...

Friday's!  Dash got to ski with a bud from his class, Oliver.  They were pumped.  

And...., w got to have a picnic.  


More please...

 Wow...., it was damn nice this week.  Got almost to 45 degrees out.


They say...., like a weed.   It is true.  He is getting bigger by the day.  

New "stuffie" from Hawaii!

I couldnt help but get him some new gloves the other day.  Apparently there is a sign that the kids do at school to signal to the teacher that they are listening.  Well, we determined that Dash cant do with with mittens on as you need two finger.  Hence, the new gloves!

These two are darn good pals....  Taco killed his first mouse of the year today on an adventure outside.  



 Standard lunch hour lap.  I am one damn lucky dude.  


 It happened to turned to Spring here this week in a serious kind of way!

Last of a damn good thing....?

ONe never knows this time of year with the recent warm up this past week as to what will be the last prolonged stretch of winter time snow.  But... last weekend was epic.