Friday, February 28, 2020


 As good as it gets last weekend with the boys..  

Monday, February 24, 2020

Thatta way

 Proud of this lil good human.  


 Man...., we sure do love the Pinedale Aquatic Center.  


Yea, it has been kinda cold lately.  

The big 5

 Sights from Dash and Johnny's birthday bash last weekend.  

Sunday, February 23, 2020

So much love

Feel so lucky to be able to ski SK all the time and to do it with this budding lil ripper is just the icing on the cake of goodness.  

It happened.

Our lil dude turned 5 last weekend!  More pics to come!  

Da Cats...

 Taco is quite the lover and so patient with Dash.  

Thursday, February 20, 2020

The gnar....

 Always enjoy a good struggle fest every now and again.  

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Backyard goods

 Never ever ever lost on me that I can ride from our driveway and in 5 minutes be here!  

Monday, February 17, 2020

The boys...

 Taco and Ziggy are now officially  right at home!  

As good as it gets....

 Feel so darn lucky in life to have awesome friends and adventures at our fingertips each and every weekend..  Last weekend we hung tough down at our buds in Bondurant and sled skied in the sun.  Man was it good.  

 Chels on the top.  

 Pretty much all I want to do....ride sleds and watch Chels ski untracked pow.

 Such a fun lil backyard zone.  Easy to double up to the top and super fun on the ski down.  

 Or triple.....Dash wanted to go to the top a lot too!

Classic Wyoming winter scene.

Thursday, February 13, 2020


 My bud Adam makes semi regular cameos here in Jackson and we always manage to have such a great time each visit.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


A pic from school last week.  Seems like just yesterday they were sending ones of Dash not long after he had just learned to walk.  

Settling in...

 As you can see, the boys are all getting along very well together thank you very much!  

The King

 I sure do love it when the lil ol town hill is skiing so darn well.  

Sunday, February 9, 2020


Feel so darn lucky to live in the place that we do and have the awesome little man that we do.  

Big one...

 Went on a true beauty of a ride last weekend with my bud Drew.  It was a hammer fest, no doubt.  

 Yep, that is the line right through there....