Sunday, November 29, 2009

From Beach to Snow

It's been a long day. We were up at 4am to say goodbye to the beach and fly out of Santa Barbara by 6. But we had something else awaiting us...our first ski day of the season! And it was awesome, can't you tell, haha. Actually considering they only had one run open and are in desperate need of snow, it wasn't too bad for a couple of hours! More pics of our Turkey Day vacation to San Diego and Santa Barbara, but honestly, sleep is calling my name, so I'm signing off for now. Hope everyone had great vacations!

Behind the beach house in S.B. ... soaking it up!

And back in Jackson, the ski area looking pretty meager.

A for effort, the snow guns were on all day, but that sunny blue sky isn't helping matters any!

Wait, I already said meager, right?

If you don't look at the brush on the right side of the pic and the almost-brown valley floor, you might even mistake this for a mid-winter day...bring it on!

Monday, November 23, 2009

More Capital Training

Wyoming did it right throwing in some checkers to class up the Capital building!

The old Cheyenne railroad depot. Note, there is a pretty solid brewery inside of it now, so, if ever in town, swing in and get a lager.

Looking at the House Senate side of the capital.

Statue recognizing Wyoming as the first state to allow Women to Vote in 1919! While Wyoming bills itself as "The equality state" some might argue otherwise......

I was blown away with the ease of meeting our governor. "Gov. Dave" as he is affectionately known looked to have a pretty open door policy with his desk in plain view right as you entered the capital building. Only in Wyoming!

Wyoming state capital building.

Birds eye view looking down on an empty House of Representatives.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Cheyenne Cruising

Just got home tonight after a long drive from Cheyenne. Spent the week on the other side of the state training with other Juvenile Probation Officers throughout the state. I learned a lot and had as good of a time as one can living out of a hotel room and going to meetings all day long!

This was a cool movie theater across the street from my hotel. I went and saw "The Hangover" and laughed non stop for two hours!

Good to see somewhere in the state had snow even if Jackson still has green grass everywhere.

I stayed right downtown in the old historic district in a 100 year old hotel by the train station.

The view of "Big Wonderful Wyoming" out my pimpin state issue Ford Taurus on good ol I-80!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Nice Work Anna!

I just wanted to give a little shout out and congrats to Anna Goodman. She is my brother's girlfriend and also a World Cup slalom skier from Canada. This last weekend was their first slalom World Cup of the year and she got her best result ever (so far!) Congrats Anna! And if you want to check out her awesome photography skills and read her thoughts from the road, check out her blog. It rocks!

A picture I stole from Anna's blog...Anna on the left with her two teammates who also kicked ass last weekend.

Cold and Clear

Mellow weekend, here are some of my practice shots learning to use my camera manually and just trying to capture a little of the natural beauty around our house before it is all covered in snow!

Trev drove to Cheyenne, Wyoming today (about 7 hours away) and is gone for the whole week at a conference for work, so my goal is to get crafty and get a ton done while it is just Stevie and I...I will keep you posted on how that works out!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Finally Snowing

We finally got some snow today, hoping to have a lot deeper riding this weekend than the last couple.

Vertical riding rules

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monday Night Football

Johnny Spillane, Casey Puckett & Marco Sullivan on the field before the Monday Night Football game!

Check out where Marco was last night! So cool, except the fact that he had to wear a Broncos jersey! Read article here.

Also if anyone wants to buy a Marco Rocks hat for them or their family or friends (it is an Olympic year, you know!) I have some left, so send me a check for $25 dollars and I will send you a brand spankin' new and awesome Marco Rocks hat (I will also be bringing some to Beaver Creek). See sidebar to the right for details. Isn't Stevie handsome?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Milking it for what it's worth

We went up to Togwotee Pass again on Sunday to poke around. Although it hadn't really snowed all week, as you can see, we still managed to find the goods. Chels was experimenting around with newly learned camera settings and I was a very willing model, happy to oblige hitting little powder kickers over and over again.

This is a view of what Trev looks like snowmobiling...

Now this is a view with Chelsea sitting in the front and Trevor steering from behind and yes, it really is that scary when you have no control and he is trying to flip me off the snowmobile!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Salt Lake and Back

I had a whirlwind last couple days and I loved every minute of it! On Friday morning I drove down to Salt Lake to take a days worth of art classes on Saturday. The best part of it was getting to stay with my wonderful friend Shannon Bahrke and her fiance Matt for the night. Being as Shannon is one of the most bad-ass athletes I know (you know she got a silver in the 2002 Olympics in moguls, right?) I get out of the car and she had me hiking up this monster mountain behind her house, right away, but look at that view, with all of Salt Lake below us it was pretty gorgeous.

I want all of you to cheer her on this year...she is such a great girl, one of the most passionate, kind, fun, life-loving people I know and she deserves it. Her goal is medaling in the Olympics
again, so a million lucks to you Shannon!!!

On another note, with less than two months left I crossed off four goals from The 30 List in the last week! Number 1, 10, 13 AND 18, with a couple more in the works! I am whipping them out, yee haw!

Shannon and I at the top of the world, ok, maybe just the top of Salt Lake...

The amazing view from Shannon and Matt's house, the twinkling lives of Salt Lake City below.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

She's cool

Chels is in Salt Lake City for the weekend taking some art classes down there. I am lucky to have her as a part of my life!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sled Headn'

Digging deep, who cares if the snowpack was meager enough to be churning up dirt!

150 horses of power throttling.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Season Is Upon Us

We don't have a ton of snow, but last weekend we managed to get out and go for a ride up on the Continental Divide at almost 10,000ft on top of Togwotee Pass about an hour drive from town. There was was enough to play around in the wind deposited meadows. Super stoked to get out and be on the sled again.

Chels, a budding sledneck?

Yep, snowpack is shallow, and probably going to be almost gone by the end of this week with temps in the mid 50's, but sleddin' the first day of November is sweet no matter what the conditions.

Two Ocean Peak acting as a sweet backdrop

Spinnin' doughnuts

Monday, November 2, 2009

Good Times

Good times were had all around on Halloween, of course. We went to Sarah and Jim's for a little pre-party celebration which turned into Beer Pong Fest '09. My attempt at a costume was to be the Big Bad Wolf and Trevor could be Little Red Riding Hood, but for some reason he opted out of that great idea to be Marco Polo. So I decided I was a Wild Thing instead. It works right?

The Wild Thing and Marco Polo, what a pair!

The back of Trev

Allison and her little baby penguin, Oliver, stole the party

Jim, dressed as "gross" and Sarah, a lovely candy corn, prepped their team for some tough competition on the pong table.

Miss Candy Corn and Tracy the Biker Chic, don't those tats look scarily real?

Ted, dressed I think as a dumbass, and Brian Hager as scary substitute teacher guy.

And don't forget Jason "Chicken Dinner" Rolfe...sorry camera battery died after this, so that is all the debauchery you get to see!