Good times were had all around on Halloween, of course. We went to Sarah and Jim's for a little pre-party celebration which turned into Beer Pong Fest '09. My attempt at a costume was to be the Big Bad Wolf and Trevor could be Little Red Riding Hood, but for some reason he opted out of that great idea to be Marco Polo. So I decided I was a Wild Thing instead. It works right?

The Wild Thing and Marco Polo, what a pair!

The back of Trev

Allison and her little baby penguin, Oliver, stole the party

Jim, dressed as "gross" and Sarah, a lovely candy corn, prepped their team for some tough competition on the pong table.

Miss Candy Corn and Tracy the Biker Chic, don't those tats look scarily real?

Ted, dressed I think as a dumbass, and Brian Hager as scary substitute teacher guy.

And don't forget Jason "Chicken Dinner" Rolfe...sorry camera battery died after this, so that is all the debauchery you get to see!
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