Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Little Brother!

For those of you who don't know my brother Marco, he is the coolest guy ever. I am pretty lucky to have such a talented, humble and all around awesome guy to call my bro. Today he turns 29! Happy birthday Marco!

If you want to check out his website/blog, here it is...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Someone is finally joining 30 with me today!

Love you Trev. I don't know how I got so lucky.

Happy Birthday Trev! from Chelsea Robinson on Vimeo.

Music Credit: The Way I Am by Ingrid Michaelson

The Scooter is Back

First scooter ride of the year, now that is something to celebrate. Trev drove me to work this morning and messed up my hair, but you can't beat the morning sunshine!

This was also my photo of the day today for my Project 365. To find out what that is, go here and check out #29.

Warning: This is gross

All the snow has melted in our back yard and evidently the mice are out! Stevie has proudly brought home 3 mice in the last week which already beats his record for how many mice he has brought home in the last 2 years. His routine consists of leaving first thing in the morning, of course a rejuvenating mid-day nap, followed by another long, after dark "hunting" spree until we lock his cat door for the night.

Came home from work two days ago and this is what was waiting for me on the floor. A mouse heart? Are you kidding me? And the strangest thing was that this was all there was. No fur, no bones, not one sign of the actual mouse in the house. Hmmm. I hope that doesn't show up anytime...ever.

So now we have dubbed the little furry one, Stevie Mouseheart because you have to admit, even though it is super is kind of cool, too.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Mustache Party

Since Trevor was so oddly obsessed with mustaches and his 30th birthday is coming up this Friday, I decided to throw him a surprise party last Saturday with a stache theme. It turned out being a huge success! Trev was completely surprised, maybe because it was almost a week before the actual day and he had just gotten home from Santa Barbara the night before, but we had a blast...just check out the pics! My "Mustache Mania" photo booth was a hit too. : )

Leigh helping me set up the "photo booth"

Jesse and Stine looking hot

Trev had actually shaved his mustache the night before the party, so he got a mascara stache. Hanging with Kristy and Mark.

Jim and Sarah riding the mini-bike in style.

Tommy is a little confused.

I think this could be Sarah and Luke's engagement photo, huh?

Sue, Carly, Katy and Becky

...and the guy from Reno 911

Ryan and Sue

Some real mustache action from Cody and Ben

Ashleigh and Dan lettin' loose

This weird guy kept following us around! : )

What do you think of the two-toned hair, pretty hot, huh?

Ashleigh and Jason "Nice Chops" Rolfe

Thanks to everyone who sent me stache pics (Stevie included), they were awesome/hideous and Trev loved 'em!

This was the "Yell-a-country and take-a-picture game". Taiwan.

I think this one was maybe Liberia.

Ted and Dan "Reno 911" Walker showing off their moves.

Ashleigh shot-gunning PBRs like a true mother

Everyone else seems to have finished...Ted is on slow-mo

Trevor is one happy birthday boy!
Great night everyone, thanks for coming and sending pics!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Short n T Shirt sylin

Returned home last night after a whirlwind trip down to Santa Barbara. As with all fun things, the relaxing time down there with friends and family went by way too quickly. Spent the week hanging in the sun, played 4 rounds of golf, surfed as much as the conditions allowed for, went on a hike, helped trap stealhead fish, boating, et. et. Essentially we were on the go all the while trying to relax! Ohh yea, feeling charitable after being away from Chels for a week plus I shaved the stache! Wipe back those tears, I know.......

17 hours of through the night driving drives one to extreme measures

Not even Vegas could derail our Jackson to Santa Barbara mission

Ted and Tim hauling the backup "kicker" motor just in case we got stranded at sea

After a lot of telling himself that his little Ranger Truck couldn't haul Tim's "massive" boat, Teddy flexed his guns and made it happen, Ventura, CA harbor

End to yet another fine day at the Beach

Uncle Pete high above Santa Barbara

Looking down coast towards Carpinteria

Tim and Trev

Caught this shot on the hike back to SB

I went down to L.A. with uncles Pete and Tim to spend Easter with my Grandpa and also got to see cousin Robin, her husband Diego, and of course, their adorable, ever growing son Max.

Max clearly loving the stache

Ahh yes!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring? Where are you?

I guess this is typical of spring and I guess this is why everyone leaves town right about now, but really, I would love to see a color other than grey around here! I guess this will just make us appreciate the good weather even more when it does come, right?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Some congrats are in store

Today my grandparents, Jac and Max, celebrate their 56th wedding anniversary! Wow, I have to say that is hard to even imagine. The coolest part is that they still crack each other up, they are such a riot and I just love them to pieces!

Quote straight from my grandma's mouth "And they said it wouldn't last a half an hour! We showed them!" I love you guys, congrats, that is quite a feat!

Looking pretty darn stylish if I do say so myself. (At our wedding)

Also yesterday, my Grandma, Maxine or "Baba" as we call her, turned 81! Still looking pretty hot, huh?

Here are a couple pics of the three generations, me, Baba and my mom...what do you guys think? Do we look alike?