All the snow has melted in our back yard and evidently the mice are out! Stevie has proudly brought home 3 mice in the last week which already beats his record for how many mice he has brought home in the last 2 years. His routine consists of leaving first thing in the morning, of course a rejuvenating mid-day nap, followed by another long, after dark "hunting" spree until we lock his cat door for the night.
Came home from work two days ago and this is what was waiting for me on the floor. A mouse heart? Are you kidding me? And the strangest thing was that this was all there was. No fur, no bones, not one sign of the actual mouse in the house. Hmmm. I hope that doesn't show up anytime...ever.
So now we have dubbed the little furry one, Stevie Mouseheart because you have to admit, even though it is super is kind of cool, too.
Sorry Chels, but we think that is way too big to be a mouse's the size of an entire mouse itself. Rat, cat, squirrel...maybe something more like that! Super gross but way to go Stevie!
I don't know, it was about the size of a quarter...a big mouse?
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