Next guest, bring it on. My roommate from college, Karilyn Larsen is visiting from Denver for a quick stop-over before driving up to Big Sky for a wedding. Quick lunch and dinner with her today and she leaves tomorrow, but lucky us she is back through town on Sunday night.
Trev and I are planning a little more pop-up action for the weekend! Our initial plans were to do some 20 mile overnight backpack in Tetons, but then I went and got pneumonia. Damn it. Not fun, let me tell you. I actually stayed home from work yesterday and couldn't get off the couch until 4:00, totally sucked. But up on my feet again and back in action (albeit a little slowly), so therefore the Teton backpacking plans were sacked and the pop-up is back in action. Heading to a new place called Green River Lake near Pinedale, WY about 1 1/2 hours away. Have some kayaking, fishing and swimming in mind. Will keep you posted!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Idaho Wedding Bells
Just getting back into the groove of things here in the Hole after a whirlwind trip up to the mothership (Coeur d' Alene) for a wedding. Even though we were in town for no more than 36 hours, it was a great trip. Saw a ton of old grade school, high school, and also college buddies. Chels and I stayed with the folks and managed to stretch out a bit more while there than our cramped quarters here in Jackson.
Outside of being stoked for Brain Landers and his recent marriage, the weekend certainly solidified the notion of keeping in solid contact with buds from the past. Although our couch is really busy most of the time with visitors, similarly, we also realized after this weekend just how remote Jackson can be and hard to get to for friends and family alike. Managed to squeeze in 6 well traveled loads of laundry, (thanks Mom!) a hike, of course the wedding, and well, 17 hours of driving. Here's to Landers getting hitched and our present weekend warrior status. Currently attempting to be a more prolific blogger as Chels has informed me I am slacking.
Outside of being stoked for Brain Landers and his recent marriage, the weekend certainly solidified the notion of keeping in solid contact with buds from the past. Although our couch is really busy most of the time with visitors, similarly, we also realized after this weekend just how remote Jackson can be and hard to get to for friends and family alike. Managed to squeeze in 6 well traveled loads of laundry, (thanks Mom!) a hike, of course the wedding, and well, 17 hours of driving. Here's to Landers getting hitched and our present weekend warrior status. Currently attempting to be a more prolific blogger as Chels has informed me I am slacking.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wedding weekend
Tomorrow after work we are leaving to drive to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Trevor's home sweet home. We are heading back for Brian Landers' wedding, a friend of Trevor's since grade school. In the spirit of weddings, I thought I would show a few pics our friends Sue and Ryan Combs just sent me of their wedding for which I did all the paper goodies, the invites, menus, programs, table cards, table numbers, etc. Thinking about weddings, it is hard to believe that I have endured close to a year of Trevor's antics. Yikes! Just kidding...loved every minute honey.

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Grand Targhee Music Festival
We had an awesome weekend of friends, music, lots of sun and some pop-up fun...good times! After work on Friday we cruised over to the Grand Targhee Music Festival (just about an hour drive away) and camped out in the pop-up trailer for the weekend. The music was better than we ever could have expected with a bunch of bands that were fairly new to us really making us dance like mad. Some of our faves were Carrie Rodriguez, Josh Ritter, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, Priscilla Ahn and of course the big names Emmylou Harris, Lyle Lovett and Taj Mahal.
In between sets we would spend our time chilling in the pop-up, our friends loved it so much they are trying to convince us to move in.
Taj Mahal stole the show, so amazing, even Emmylou Harris was standing on the side of the stage rocking out.
Lauren and Katie Stevenson
The music didn't start 'til noon, so we did get some good riding in around the resort in fields of wildflowers, so pretty.
Josh Ritter, an Idaho native and crowd favorite, was great. He had a huge smile on his face the whole time and was having such a good time, the crowd loved him! His music rocked too.
Our pick for coolest guy on stage for the weekend, the guitarist for the Josh Ritter Band. You have to admit, this guy has some style.
Lyle Lovett and his large band knows how to do a show, he was so good I don't think there was anyone sitting down at the whole venue. And all 15 members of the band in three piece suits!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Off to hear the music
Tomorrow after work we are dragging the pop-up trailer over the pass and spending the weekend listening to awesome music at the Grand Targhee Music Festival. Yippy! Some of the big acts this year are Emmylou Harris, Taj Mahal, Derek Trucks Band, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, Martin Sexton and Lyle Lovett. So excited! Will take lots of pics and give an update when we return. Have a great weekend!
The stage is set up right at the bottom of one of the ski runs at Grand Targhee Resort.
Lots of cowboy hats for shade, we are in Wyoming (well, technically Grand Targhee is Idaho) after all!
They turn on the snow-making machines during the mid-day heat to cool everyone off. How convenient, huh?
Love this's Martin Sexton, but yes he does bear a striking resemblance to Jack Black. He will open up the festival on Friday night.
Who doesn't know this face? Such a great performer, Lyle closes the festival on Sunday night. Last time I saw him play here, two years ago at the same festival him and his 17-member band all came on stage in 3 -piece suits, it was an amazing show.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Next Visitor & the ear
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Weekend of Firsts
It was another beautiful blue sky weekend here in Jackson, so (like always) we decided to take full advantage of it. On Friday afternoon, Trevor went and did an overnight fishing trip and float with his dad, Rob, on the South Fork of the Snake River near Swan Valley, Idaho (an hour from Jackson). The fishing was good, the company and the beers were better, however the fabled salmon fly hatch had yet to arrive, so it was mostly streamer fishing with some dry flies thrown in. Perhaps the fish would have been more willing to hang with us if Rob's classy hat/towel doorag combo wasn't so obsurd.

On Saturday, I met up with Trevor over the pass in Victor, Idaho after they finished their float (Rob took off to Dubois, WY) and was his cheerleader for a fast round of golf...the whole 18 holes only took him 2 hours, mostly due to my skilled and extremely fast golf cart manuevering, so he decided to keep going and played 9 more holes until the bugs tried to eat us alive and we booked it.

In the spirit of firsts, after golf we went to catch a movie at The Spud, the local Victor drive-in movie theater, something we have been wanting to do since we moved here. It was a double feature that didn't even start 'til 10:00 pm, but such a cool scene, we felt like we had time traveled back in time.

Today we did a new hike in Grand Teton National Park to Emma Matilda Lake (what a great name, huh?) and Two Oceans Lake. The best part was easily all the wildflowers, we were engulfed in them along with the million blue dragon flies we encountered. It was a great way to wrap up the stellar summer weekend. Hope you all had fun too!

On Saturday, I met up with Trevor over the pass in Victor, Idaho after they finished their float (Rob took off to Dubois, WY) and was his cheerleader for a fast round of golf...the whole 18 holes only took him 2 hours, mostly due to my skilled and extremely fast golf cart manuevering, so he decided to keep going and played 9 more holes until the bugs tried to eat us alive and we booked it.

In the spirit of firsts, after golf we went to catch a movie at The Spud, the local Victor drive-in movie theater, something we have been wanting to do since we moved here. It was a double feature that didn't even start 'til 10:00 pm, but such a cool scene, we felt like we had time traveled back in time.
Today we did a new hike in Grand Teton National Park to Emma Matilda Lake (what a great name, huh?) and Two Oceans Lake. The best part was easily all the wildflowers, we were engulfed in them along with the million blue dragon flies we encountered. It was a great way to wrap up the stellar summer weekend. Hope you all had fun too!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Mystery of the Missing Collars
So this is a little strange. Last week Stevie came home with no collar on. Now his collar is not loose and easy to slide off and its not elastic, it is one of those clip ones where you have to push on both sides for it to come undone. So we thought that was a little strange, but oh well.
We put on his old collar, got him another tag and sent him off to play again. Well, two days later he comes home with no collar again! Two down. No idea what is going on, as this has never happened in 2 1/2 years. Oh, AND he came home with a torn ear! (Will post pics of that later. He looks pretty tough now!)
Any thoughts?
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