Friday night we brought back the ever-popular once-a-week date night. We used to do this quite a bit, but our summer was filled with too many activities and visitors and we started to slack. What we do is trade off week Trevor plans something, one week Chelsea. It doesn't necessarily have to cost a lot of money, the only real requirement is to come up with something creative.
This week was Chelsea's turn, so date night was "Pizza bar and Pumpkin carving". I stopped by Domino's and picked up dough for pizza (I have never done it before, but heard that you could buy just the dough for cheap...and it was...only $2!) So we made pizza from scratch with the dough (which turned out great), made caramel apples and carved up some awesome pumpkins...we will debut those photos the night before Halloween, so get excited. They are pretty sweet if I do say so myself.
The rest of the weekend was filled with nice weather and some good this week!