Jackson Olympiad from Chelsea Robinson on Vimeo.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Trevor and Cody do Jackson
Yesterday seemed as good as any to test how fun Jackson can be. In between seasons, Cody and I took full advantage of all the valley has to offer, starting out at 5:30 a.m. and getting home at midnight. Chelsea met us half-way through the day and put together this killer video of our adventure. Check it out....
Friday, May 29, 2009
B.O.A.T. Night
Summer has arrived in Jackson and the valley has finally greened up. Backyard bbq's, shorts, sandals, and cold beer are back! We have still yet to plant any plants out of fear that it will freeze again. The old witches tale goes something along the lines that once all the snow has melted off the top of Snow King then you can plant your garden and once all the snow melts off of Glory Bowl on Teton Pass then you can fish the Snake River. Well, there is still a pretty good cornice of snow up on Snow King and Glory Bowl still has a 8ft base up there. We have awhile.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Denver catchup
Hoping everyone had a great holiday weekend. Thought a lot about the troops that we know personally today that are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Stay safe boys and know we truly appreciate all your hard work over there.
Had an awesome weekend down in Denver, CO visiting my cousin Linsley, her husband Jeff, and their 9 month old twin girls Ashlyn and Skylar. It was the first time we had met the twins and they are the coolest! We biked, bbq'd, caught up, and pretty much chillaxed the weekend away.
Jeff, the twins, Chels, and Lins. There are all kinds of sweet bike trails to explore in downtown Denver
Had an awesome weekend down in Denver, CO visiting my cousin Linsley, her husband Jeff, and their 9 month old twin girls Ashlyn and Skylar. It was the first time we had met the twins and they are the coolest! We biked, bbq'd, caught up, and pretty much chillaxed the weekend away.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Have a great weekend!
We are off to Denver this weekend to visit Trev's cousin Linsley, her husband Jeff and their twin baby girls, Ashlyn and Skylar, who WE HAVEN'T MET! So excited! Hopefully we will also get to see our friend Liesl and Kari who was the Beaverfest MVP! Have to make sure that Beaver trophy is being well taken care of. : )
Here are some more pics of this last weekend in San Fran, taken by Megan...how can you not love rollercoasters and bees! Have a wonderful, adventurous, fun-filled weekend!
I look about as excited as an eight-year-old ready to go on her first ride and you know what? That's because I was!
We had a group of 12 for the Bay to Breakers, a 12k race through the streets of San Francisco that is know for crazyness and nudity. Our group theme was "Community Garden/Save the Bees", we were definitely bee-heavy...
Here are some more pics of this last weekend in San Fran, taken by Megan...how can you not love rollercoasters and bees! Have a wonderful, adventurous, fun-filled weekend!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
San Fran Craziness
Just got home last night from a long, chaotic, fun, crazy 3-day weekend in San Francisco. I left after work on Friday and showed up to surprise my friend, Liz for her 29th birthday extravaganza weekend. There ended up being about 12 of us, give or take a few each day, and we definitely packed in as much as we could...roller-coasters at Great America, dressing up in costumes and walking the Bay to Breakers, yummy Indian food, trolley rides, shopping, Irish pubs and lot of laughter. Such a fun and exhausting weekend, I will put up more pics soon, but for now I am going to catch up on my sleep!

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Nice work Chels
Chels has been working her butt off with freelance work of late, and on our drive home tonight from some friends house we saw her latest work in an almost billboard sized offering!
Chels did the logo for the Habitat for Humanity truck here in town and it looks pretty sweet. Nice work Chels.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Flaming Gorge Weekend
We had an awesome trip down to Flaming Gorge this weekend. After a week of rain in Jackson we decided to split and try someplace new, so Flaming Gorge, Utah it was. About a 4-hour drive from Jackson, we left after work on Friday and arrived at the campsite late, but we were in luck, they had just opened the campsite earlier that evening and we were the first and only ones camping there besides the host! We hiked and kayaked and camped under the full moon, all in all a great getaway weekend!

Kayaking in Flaming Gorge Reservoir...the thing is huge and after a 4 hour kayak we hardly made a dent on the map!
And then we found this! It was amazing. These slot caves where you just held the walls and pushed yourself through to the other side...so magical.

Friday, May 8, 2009
Finally, Friday! The sun is making an appearance for the first time all week today. We are leaving right after Chels gets off work heading south down to Flaming Gorge Reservoir on the Wyoming/Utah border to camp and kayak for the weekend. Have a good day planned today with the only must do's including packing for the weekend and skiing fresh snow up on Teton Pass.
Yesterday, scooter accessed skiing at Snow King. While the lifts ceased spinning there in early April, the post season hiking scene there heats up until the last line is ski worthy. As you can see in the shots, it's still possible to link turns from top to bottom still, but getting harder.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
River Time is Always on Time
The yearly river trip with my old buddies from working at Teton Valley Ranch Camp couldn't come soon enough! The past 3 years we have gone on the Smith River in Montana. Perhaps a blessing in disguise, this year we didn't draw a permit in the lottery for the Smith River, so, instead we are changes courses and going to spend 6 days floating the John Day River in central Oregon near Bend. Rumors of insane small mouth bass fishing, cool canyon country, and temps in the 90's has got the buzz going. It is in one months time, so stoked!
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