Hoping everyone had a great holiday weekend. Thought a lot about the troops that we know personally today that are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Stay safe boys and know we truly appreciate all your hard work over there.
Had an awesome weekend down in Denver, CO visiting my cousin Linsley, her husband Jeff, and their 9 month old twin girls Ashlyn and Skylar. It was the first time we had met the twins and they are the coolest! We biked, bbq'd, caught up, and pretty much chillaxed the weekend away.

Lins getting the "chariot" ready for battle

Jeff, the twins, Chels, and Lins. There are all kinds of sweet bike trails to explore in downtown Denver

Skylar sizing up a pizza and beer lunch

Jeff and Ashlyn

Cheerios are the bomb.com

Chels caught this one out the truck windown on the way home near Pinedale, WY
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