Teddy celebrating?? while in a cemetery. Given that all of New Orleans is below sea level, all the gravesites are above ground. Rock looking on in amazement at Teddy.
Ohh, and open containers are not only ok in New Orleans, they are encouraged!

All I took for a camera for the weekend was my smart phone, so, some of the pictures are pretty blurry. Teddy, Thaw dawg, Lcam, Brein, and Proops sampling some Jello.

Not to worry, Ted is a certified lifeguard.

And then there is Bourbon St..... Not a lot more to say other than it was certainly one of the more festive scenes I have ever seen. The weather was in the mid 80's during the day and got to the low 70's at night. Everyone rocks it out there into the morning hours. Everything is 24 hours of goodness.

The man of the hour, BC and Proops, clearly getting their pastel grooves on.

Maggie and BC, the bride and groom with the "Wyoming Crew."

For anyone that has never been to New Orleans, do yourself a favor, it is full of culture, good people, and a nightlife that rivals anywhere in the world.
Proops, heading to clinch his thirst.