Sunday was more of the, but a little mellower and with a different crew of riders. I hooked up with Joe who works at the alternative high school and Matt who works at the high school for a ride that started at Joe's house in Victor, ID and ended up 5 hours later back there. We rode a sweet mix of double track, single track, and at some points, river bottom!
Joe, at the start of the ride before things got interesting.
Joe leading and Matt following about ready to descend into the headwaters of the South Fork of Rainey Creek in the BigHole Mountains.
After a epic journey on some nice single track, we got into the crux of the ride which consisted of countless technical stream crossings, each one with a drop in elevation getting bigger and deeper.
Joe, powering through one of the first crossings.

Joe riding out the trail of gold.
Four hours later, out Rainey Creek Canyon we emerged and back to civilization......., well, Swan Valley, population 84. The beauty of our bikes is they are dirt bikes that are street legal, so, instead of having to battle back up the gnarly trail we just rode out, we just jumped on the highway, hammered back 25 miles to Victor and had celebratory beers.
I am afraid this might have been the last ride of the year, its now snowy and cold here in Jackson. Ohh well, that just means sledding season is just around the corner.