Monday, October 22, 2012

First hint of desert awesomeness...

 I couldn't have picked a better weekend to high tail it to southerly latitudes as the weather in JH turned to a rain/snow gross mix.  It was 80 and sunny down in Moab and I soaked it up with all the SLC crew that are such a blast to hang, moto, camp, and play fire side games with!  

Just a couple of shots from this weekend as I gotta scoot to work.  Shannon, above, on a knife edge on the Sovereign trail.  Yea, a no fall zone! 

What......, I am actually in a moto picture?  Me, coming  out of a fun zone on the Sovereign trail on the first day we were down there.  More Moab pictures later on in the week.  

And for a way cooler, better, educated, and amazing photographic documentation of the weekend that was, go no further than to Anna's blog......., she has the goods, per usual.....

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