Friday, January 3, 2014

My Folks....budding Slednecks?

 My awesome, fun loving, adventure seeking parents were just in town for the New Year.  Being the troopers that they are, we all went sledding a couple of days together.  The first day we went up on Togwotee and did a sweet sunny day ride up there.  

Dad, me, and my Mom, with the Pinnacle Buttes in the background.

 Chels ripped it up too!  Amazing day.

My mom tends to be a little more of a daredevil than my dad does, so, of course I had to take her off a couple of jumps.  YOu can barely see my Mom.  Look for the pink jacket and white helmet.
 Getting ready to cross Brooks Lake.

 A shot to remember!  My ol man, the true Sledneck!  He even has a sled helmet and sled one piece suit now!  So sweet.

Love you three so much. 

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