Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Until June....

 Every season brings a different set of activities to get excited about and the mountains are full of transition right now.  Soon enough, the high country will be adding snow and getting ready for sleds instead of moto's.  Looking at the calendar, it occurred to me that Sunday's moto ride up in the Big Hole Mountains more than likely is going to be the last for the season.  It was bitter sweet, and we rode like it was going to be our last day of the season!  80 plus miles of gnarly-ness.  As I type this 48 hours later I am still having issues walking properly I am so sore!

Drew, headed down Red Ridge looking out toward the Teton Valley and the Tetons to the east.  

 Descending the techy "Dry Canyon" that goes from the Big Hole Crest trail down to the South Fork of the Snake River.  It's as wild as it looks in this section.  I haven't even seen anyone even think about attempting to ride this switchback section.  Everyone gingerly walks there bikes here, as one missed step and it would end in certain death!  

 The proper way to do it.  Shut your moto down, put it in first gear, and 5 point pick and place the bike to get it through the hairpin.  

And coast to the next hairpin, then you are home free.  Wheeeew. 

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