Tuesday, January 26, 2016


 We are just coming up for cold Wyoming air after having been in Hawaii for close to two weeks!  As you will see in the next few posts, it was awesome, warm, perfect, and fantastic.  Such a treat to be able to spend quality time with my folks, Dash, and Chels.  

Swimming in the pool with the lil dude.  

 And I finally got to attend one of my lifelong wants in the sporting event world, a PGA golf tournament.  Lucky for us, the Sony Open was happening literally right across the street from where we were staying and we spent the better part of 4 days entirely watching it live, with some surf and beach lounging thrown in too.  

Some of the guys, hitting on the range until dark.  

 Dash had such a good time chasing the pros around and trying his best to be quiet, most of the time very unsuccessfully!  

 The first couple of days of the tournament the crowds were virtually non existent which was awesome.  We got to follow some big names and get close enough to hear which club they were selecting with their caddies.  Davis Love III, still doing it after all these years, impressive.  

 Watching some of the later new Q school grads coming in the first day.  

 Dad and Dash, happy as could be.  

 Chels and I were on Dash duty throughout the days at the course, one would be able to get close to the action while the other had to keep Dash corralled long away from the players.  

 Being this close to the action and watching guys that good at what they do was outstanding.  

Tough to beat this! 

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