Tuesday, February 23, 2016


 I like the sneaker days, whether it be skiing or sledding.  You know, those days were when you walk out the door in the morn you dont think the conditions are going to be all that amazing, but you go just to get fresh air and because you love the sport.  

Then, with little to no expectations, you strike gold and find epicness.  Last Sunday was one of those days.  It hasnt snowed for real in way too long, temps have been warm in the valley, but up in the mountains, the conditions were badass.  

Jesse and Nate, lunch hour.  

 Riding Teton Pass is always awesome.  Its ten minutes from town and the riding is so sweet.  Nate is a bonifide sledder.  

 Scoping ski lines from afar.  

Looking north in the Tetons towards the expanse that is Phillips Pass and Rendezvous Peak. 

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