Tuesday, December 18, 2018

40 and so awesome

 Last week this amazing person officially turned 40 years young!  It just so happened that the stars aligned for me to be able to take the day off and for Dash to be in daycare.  So...., Chels and I had an "old school" aka, pre Dash kinda amazing day.  

We started off by going out to b fast, then went skiing, then took the snowmobile to hot springs.  And managed to get back to town in time to pick Dash up at daycare.  It was a hell of a great day celebrating all things Chels!  

 Easily one of our favorite locations in Jackson.  Hard to believe that we can drive and then take a snowmobile from our house to this location in under 45 minutes.  

 This pool was scalding hot!  

 While the ol cliche rings true and time is truly flying by, I like to think this team squeezes every ounce out of it.  

 Much love Chels.  

 Nice scenic cruise up.  

 The Bday girl ripping some turns.  

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