Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...(part 1)

 While Trevor was galavanting all over the desert on his dirt bike, my mom came to visit and we had a great week together! 

Diving right in and doing one of their favorite things together, drawing!

Baba Nanns was lucky to be here for Dash's short basketball season, she got to see a practice one night and a game the next. Dash's team won their first game and Dash made his first basket ever, which made the sidelines erupt in cheers and had us both almost in tears! Go #75!

She also got to see a swim lesson and we did a celebratory dinner night out. 

Of course, when Baba Nanns is in town we always have to make sweet treats!

Dash helping out with some chocolate chip cookies

And of course taste-testing their work afterwards!

Baba Nanns bonding with Tippy the Tyrant

And walks! We were able to get some nice walks in and some of Tippy's energy out!

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