So last weekend we made a quickie trip to Tahoe for a surprise party that Liz and I planned for our friend Keelan. We both grew up with him in Tahoe and he was my roommate in college in Bozeman, MT for 2 years. I have never met a guy who is more happy, optimistic and positive than him. He is leaving for Iraq in July and we didn't want him leaving without knowing how much his friends and family love him and will be thinking of him constantly. So surprise party it is!
The party was a huge hit, almost 80 people showed up, many of them flying and driving from all over the country to get there. AND he was surprised! Really surprised. Liz picked him up to bring him to this restaurant to "get a beer" and when he walked upstairs everyone just started clapping and whistling and cheering for a full 3 minutes while Keelan just stood there in shock. And if you know Keelan, he is not usually at a loss for words. Not a lot of dry eyes in the house. Anyway, such a great 2 days in Tahoe and well worth the 12 hour drive to get there! Thank you to everyone who made the party, it really touched a guy who deserves nothing but the best. We love you Keelan. Be safe.

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