On Sunday we decided to go and explore a new place we had heard about, but never been, Huckleberry Hot Springs. With no new snow and a nice sunny day we decided to strap on the ski swap nordic skis and give it a go.

Yay for sun and new things!

Now let me preface this by saying we are by no means nordic skiers, we have no balance, no technique and definitely no grace, but as a mode of transport they are faster than snowshoes!
Trev breaking his own trail down to the water.

Off-roading on the skinnies! I was waiting for something to go awry here as this is the one "sport" Trevor has absolutely no coordination with, but no worries here...river crossing, check.

Now I would just like you to take a moment and admire this awesome set-up, turquoise, pink and white, I mean come on, how can I not feel like a gliding Barbie on these beauties!

I think we are better at using our skis as bridges than anything else.
Showing Trevor how it is done.

When we finally got to the hot springs we scoped the scene and found a little rock climbing would get us into prime soaking position under the waterfall just behind Trev.

Deer in the headlights settling in for a nice soak.

On our way out we did some more off-roading, but by now we were old pros at this walking on water stuff.

As you can see, we definitely use these things as transport, breaking through powder to go explore, but it is so fun doing something you are absolutely terrible at and we were both in stitches all day about each others lack of coordination. Another fun Sunday in the books!
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