Thursday, July 26, 2012

Random summer shots....

 Hell yes....the weekend is here!  Chels is up at Mt. Hood for the next week ski coaching and I am here in Jackson with nothing planned but riding dirtbikes!  I have ridden the past 4 nights after work and have 3 massive rides planned for this weekend over in Idaho for the run up to the Tour of Idaho...

So, just came across some random shots of the goodness that is the JH summer we have taken the past couple of weeks for your viewing pleasure.

Sunset at the "wedding tree."

 Chels, self portrait on Slide Lake.

 The Teeters, the coolest mountain range around.

Our community garden plot is starting to sprout and take thanks to Chels and Me!  We have been slacking, but luckily, the rest of the crew we planted seeds with back in May have been far more diligent that we have and wahhhhlah, we have veggies!

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