Monday, April 7, 2014

Fun in the snow!

Winter is wrapping up (technically, with the resort closing yesterday), but there is still plenty of snow to be had! Even though we are itching for a little desert getaway, (2 more weeks!), we are still enjoying what we got!

 Snowmobiling with miles of endless powder fields and ominous skies ahead.

 Always trying to fit in a little yoga!

 Trev in his happy place.

Wide open

 Trev playing with a little air time.

 Pretty magical surroundings


 Feeling like we were alone in the world

Finding my hops

Looking out toward the Tetons with little snow squall tornadoes in the mix

 Closing day at the Village yesterday, we went out of bounds to access some knee-deep powder and some of the best skiing of the year...its closing already??? : (  Trev negotiating some awesomeness.

 Me dropping into the Horseshoe Couloir. Fun times. Until next year JHMR!

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