Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Moab...you rock!

Another annual rockin' spring trip to Moab in the books and it was, once again, an awesome time. Some pics to prove it... : )

Kristin and I flanking Trevor on his birthday. Our first moto of the season!

 Hannah doing some fire dancing!

 This place is so gorgeous.

 Some amazing pics Anna took while we were doing Trev's birthday fireworks show.

 Another sweet pic from Anna

 Best (and first) firework show I've ever put on!

The girls getting ready for the party, notice Trev also has a birthday tree in the background!

  Another moto into some sweet country!

  Kristin loving herself some Arches National Park

And Trevor looking manly in front of this sweet backdrop

Shannon, Zoe and Dede looking Happe and ridiculously cute in front of Delicate Arch
Photo by Anna Goodman

And Trev just looking studly again.
 Photo by Anna Goodman

 Yahoo! Arch yoga!
Photo by Anna Goodman

 As you can see, I am very excited.

Love these two little cuties!

On our rainy day, we did a sightseeing trip to Dead Horse Point. Hannah loved it.

 Kristina and I taking in the spectacular scenery.

 And preparing to jump. Hahah

 Dead Horse Point is really sweet.

 We even got some mountain biking in, with ominous skies looming. 
Hannah and Kristin looking tough and cute all at the same time.

And me. Just excited about life.

The spectacular sunset sendoff on our last night, there was a double rainbow too. 

 And we made it to SLC for Marco's birthday party! 
 Sweet trip it was, can't wait for another!

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