We put up a fair fight but didn't get the win we needed tonight in our final broomball game of the season (actually it was a double-header for the championship title and we had a double loss) : ( Total bummer way to end the season, but a lot of fun (and bruises) had none-the-less.
For those of you wondering how the game is played, it is probably going to sound ridiculous. You run and slide around on the ice in your tennis shoes, your stick has a rubber triangle wedge on the end that you use to hit the mini soccer ball "puck". Five players and a goalie per side, and each team must have 2 girls out there. It is pretty funny to watch, everyone looks like they are running in slow motion, like those cartoons where their feet wind up forever before they can actually move! There is a lot of falling and bruises left and right, but man is it fun. Mandatory helmets and mandatory beers had after the game, win or lose.
It was a great season, but second place isn't good enough for our team. We will be back to take back our championship title next year...watch out!
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