I turned 32 this weekend and it is going quite well so far...I think it is going to be a great year! On Saturday, my actual birthday, I was lucky enough to have to work, which consisted of skiing around with a group of 10-year-old girls at the Village all day who sung me songs on every chairlift and gave me these amazing homemade presents, pretty sweet, huh?

My initials in felt, a dollar ring and a duct tape bookmark emblazoned with a "C", these girls have some creative talent if I do say so myself!

We continued celebrating today (because every birthday should be celebrated for more than one day!) and I spent the morning skiing with my two favorite ski partners...here are Trev and Ted at the top of the tram where it was nuking wind and freezing and hardly anything was visible, but the skiing ended up being amazing.

Next up, Trev and I switched gears and grabbed the snowmobile for our annual hot springs and Christmas tree mission. Here I am with my new pink snowmobile helmet! Pretty awesome, right? It was Trev's birthday present to me, of course. : )

Then we decided to walk across the river to some natural hot springs, I came prepared with galoshes, but still froze my little tootsies off. You can see where we ditched our ski gear on the opposite shore so it wouldn't get wet in the crossing.

Aaaahhhh....testing the waters.

Yes, this is amazing and how every birthday should be spent.

Trev lounging with some natural beauty and my galoshes.

Testing out some more hot pools on our trek back across the river.

Now some hot tea to warm up...

And off we go to find the perfect (for us) Christmas tree.

And we got him! A little guy surrounded and crowded out by tall giants (we always try to grab a tree that we think might not make it, I guess it makes us feel better).

Our tree and an amazing sunset on the snowmobile out, what a day, what a weekend.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes, I feel very lucky and thankful for such wonderful family and friends and can't wait to see what 32 brings!