Not that a vacation from our vacation was needed, but we opted to head back south after the Downhill and before the Super G and went to Pt. Townsend, WA to visit my aunt and uncle Pete and Kay. Pt. Townsend is a really cool community out on the Olympic Peninsula.

After going out for every meal and living in a hotel room the whole week before, it was great being in Pete and Kay's house complete with Bud the cat, homemade pie, freshly caught salmon, and really good company!
Uncle Pete and I got 9 holes in at the community course right down the hill from their house. I can assure you, my senses were on alert after being in the winter dead zone that is Jackson. All the colors, the smells, and sounds were and always are so heightened after transporting yourself from the black and white world of winter to a climate that isn't as harsh.
Liz, Chels, and Uncle Pete jumping for joy at the fact we got to stretch our legs after putting 3,500 miles on the truck this trip! It was a ton of truck time, but luckily we had good tunes, lots of gummi bears and awesome events to make it to.
After walking for a long, long ways, the lighthouse and the turn around point came into view. This necessitated a group fiver.

There were some friendly lighthouse keepers who were there volunteering that gave us a tour of the place.
The lighthouse compound, the reward for making it all the way out there! Just as we sat down at a picnic table to soak in the warmth, Uncle Pete produced some slow, smoked salmon from has backpack he had recently cooked up. It was a delicacy and devoured by the crew.
We were racing the setting sun the whole walk back to the truck. It made for some awesome pictures and enduring memories! The Dungeness Spit is a very cool place, and now comes highly recommended by us!
The sun setting on our walking posse. If you look way off in the distance, you can see the very tippy top end of Washington.
Ahh yes, the infamous Dungeness Spit. All 11 miles plus of it round trip! It is hard to tell from this picture, but it goes out to the end, and then does a turn to the right towards the lighthouse.
Caught a sweet sunrise on the ferry from Pt. Townsend to Keystone and Whidbey Island en route back up to Whistler from Washington.

Chels and Liz grew up skiing with Julia Mancuso (at Squaw Valley) who seriously kicked ass up in Vancouver winning two silver medals. We went over to stoked up after party the night she won the silver in the combined and shared in the party with a host of other Tahoe friends and fam. Way to go Jules!
1 comment:
Thanks Uncle Pete and Aunt Kay~ LOVE PT!!!! And Marco Rocks Fan club rocked the entire Olympic village at an Olympic Level. Marco rocks!
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