Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Hoback Givith..

 Last weekend was the TVRC 75th anniversary, aka, lots of old school buds coming to the valley to hang out.  It was awesome.  
Lcam and Aaaron came up from Denver, caught fish, and were full of smiles all weekend long.  

 We floated 4 boats on Friday, and no joke, probably boated close to 200 fish.  It was insane how good the fishing was.  

 The Hoback River was amazingly still pretty full given how late in the season it was.  Rain is a cool thang...

 Good friends, a small, kickass river, sun, doesn't get much better.

 Tyler came down from Missoula.  Always so good to hang with our good bud Proops.  Who else wears a pressed pink polo on the river?

 Dang, thats piiiirty.  

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