Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wall to Wall Fun....

 Wasn't I just lamenting not enough time in summer for bloggin?  Umm, well, here is a smattering of summer shots over the past couple of weeks.  I have literally been leaving the house at 5:30 every morn for work and not getting home til close to 10 pm.  Blogging and slacking are going hand and hand.  

Swimming, Island Lake Reservoir. 

We have been really, really fortunate the past couple of weeks with an abundance of moisture coming from the sky to help keep the fire danger to almost non existent.  
 Lots and lots of moto has been happening, which is to say, it isnt nearly enough!

 Sunset coming out of the GV last week after a sweet moto and fish mission.  Holy shit we are lucky to live here.

 Chels is all of a sudden not only looking like a serious moto'er, but riding like one too.  Hammering in third gear no less!

Floating season is on.  Thankfully the rivers are now mostly all clean. 

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