Friday, January 9, 2015

Seasoned Vets....

 My Mom and Dad are complete troopers.  Rain, sun, outright blizzard, it doesn't matter, they are always stoked for an adventure when they visit.  I took them on an all day ride up Slate Creek in the Gros Venture mountains.  We did 50 plus miles of cruising, had a ton of fun, and didn't see another human  the entire day!  

My Dad and Me, total "selfie".  

 My mom looking the part with sled gear and all! 

 Matching helmet and jacket.  You fit right in Mom! 

 My Dad hanging with Stevie getting fully prepared to be a Grandpa the next time he visits.  

My parents, timeless classics.  

 My dad got into the standing position a lot of the day which as he found out, makes your sledding experience all the better.  

Have parents and sled, will travel.  Awesome suits guys!  
So much love for this picture. 

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