Sunday, January 11, 2015


 It's pretty awesome having motivated buds that like to get after it like I do.  Steve and Drew are my homies when it comes to being always up for a mission in the mountains having fun.  I was on my way back from spending a week in Lander, WY for work and the boys came from Jackson and met me up on Togwotee Pass for an afternoon rip.  Per usual, it was the cat's meow.  

Drew, sending a wind lip below the Breccia Cliffs.

Hard to tell how deep this little creekbed that Drewski found himself stuck in until you look to the snow to the left of Drew.  Yep, it was neck deep.  Part of sledding is dealing with "stucks".  They happen, they make you better, and they humble the hell out of yea just when you think you are starting to figure this crazy ass sport out!  Love it. 

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