Got a great visit from our buddy Keelan McNulty this last weekend straight from climbing Denali in Alaska en route to Mexico. Who wouldn't want a quick stop-over with us in Jackson? He is a great friend that Chelsea grew up with in Tahoe and he also went to Montana State and hung with both of us there. I don't know if there is anyone out there more stoked on life, but I have to say he is constant entertainment with a continuous flow of energy like I have never seen!
We had a bitchin' time with him, packing in a ton of Jackson-esque activities as only the gracious hosts we are would do for any amazing friend. Trevor took him powder skiing up on Teton Pass, followed by the Jackson Hole Wine Festival he attended with some of our buddies. He seemed to enjoy it mightily by the slowness in his step the next morning and the rosiness of his cheeks from the pictures of the night before. A brisk afternoon float on the Snake River was added to the itinerary despite a little drizzle and grey skies and it turned out to be amazing. We had some wine, brought Katie and her dog, Gus, fished with no luck and saw a ton of wildlife; elk, deer, coyotes, eagles, beavers and a hairy Jack Russel terrier, with the river all to ourselves.
Keelan is heading to Iraq in July to fly Black Hawk helicopters with the Army. We wish him all the best and our thoughts will be with him. He is definitely an amazing person with one hell of a large heart. Carpe Diem Keelan.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Boston...good times
So...I had a GREAT time in Boston last week! Being my first time to the city, it was not at all like I had expected, it was a lot smaller and laid-back than I had envisioned and I loved it! My trip started out with a couple days of all Liz, which was awesome. I got a personal tour of the city on foot, we ate at the famous and best pizza joint in the Italian part of the city, Regina's Pizzeria, we got pretty manicures, Liz graduated, we went shopping (!), we ate lots and lots of great food including Indian, Thai, Ethiopian and a special shout out to the peanut butter frozen yogurt that Liz found for me knowing it is my FAVE! Here are some of my favorite pics of us and the city.
Me being a city girl!
My gracious tour guide, the beautiful Lizard.
Liz graduates grad school. Smarter than she looks. : )
Boston had so much more color than Jackson, I was loving it!
A little art
View from our Italian lunch.
Liz running with the pack. Chuck looking on, not as amused as I was.
Wren Miller, me and Liz.
A Lizard in the window.
What day isn't complete without modeling? Me, Wren and Liz...pic taken by Lindsay Gourley.
Liz and I (after manicures, note the beautiful traffic-stopper red I'm sporting) at Gaslight where she used to work.
Oh ya, and for the Red Sox fans...we got a couple free tickets to both games of a double header! So much fun, made lots of friends in the stands, well that was until Liz asked me to hold her beer and she sits down only to jump back up with arms over her head 2 seconds later when a great play happened...knocking her beer out of my hand and 4 feet in the air in a beautiful spiral arc right on top of the large bald body-builder two rows in front of us!! Not everyone was as happy after that one! Oops.
And I did go to the HOW design conference too which was a fun time. Liz lived 10 minutes away and would walk me there every morning, it was great. Some of the sessions were awesome and some were a little disappointing as you would expect of any conference I guess. Now the hard part, harnessing the creative juices and try to actually put into use everything I learned...yikes!

Oh ya, and for the Red Sox fans...we got a couple free tickets to both games of a double header! So much fun, made lots of friends in the stands, well that was until Liz asked me to hold her beer and she sits down only to jump back up with arms over her head 2 seconds later when a great play happened...knocking her beer out of my hand and 4 feet in the air in a beautiful spiral arc right on top of the large bald body-builder two rows in front of us!! Not everyone was as happy after that one! Oops.
And I did go to the HOW design conference too which was a fun time. Liz lived 10 minutes away and would walk me there every morning, it was great. Some of the sessions were awesome and some were a little disappointing as you would expect of any conference I guess. Now the hard part, harnessing the creative juices and try to actually put into use everything I learned...yikes!
View of Boston in between conference sessions.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Skillet Glacier/ Mt. Moran ski trip...
Been a while, I need a little help from Chels before posting blogs. Still learning I guess!!!
Last weekend my buddy's Brian, Brock, Jeff and I attempted to ski Mt. Moran via the Skillet Glacier route up in Grand Teton National Park. All of us had been wanting to ski this classic route for years. It is a 6,000ft coulior from peak to valley floor.
The weather slowed us down as it was too nice. Temps got into the upper 70's and the snow rotted out on us despite a 4 am start. As you can see from the pictures, the avalanche danger was through the roof and we ended up having to turn around short of the summit. Good to see some new areas of the park and camp out with some good buds. Skiing in shorts and t shirts is pretty rad.

The next set of shots are from this weekend. Cold, springlike weather has returned to Jackson. This has produced powder skiing in the higher elevations with June rapidly approaching...!

Last weekend my buddy's Brian, Brock, Jeff and I attempted to ski Mt. Moran via the Skillet Glacier route up in Grand Teton National Park. All of us had been wanting to ski this classic route for years. It is a 6,000ft coulior from peak to valley floor.
The weather slowed us down as it was too nice. Temps got into the upper 70's and the snow rotted out on us despite a 4 am start. As you can see from the pictures, the avalanche danger was through the roof and we ended up having to turn around short of the summit. Good to see some new areas of the park and camp out with some good buds. Skiing in shorts and t shirts is pretty rad.

The next set of shots are from this weekend. Cold, springlike weather has returned to Jackson. This has produced powder skiing in the higher elevations with June rapidly approaching...!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Watch Out Boston
Bad news or good news first? Let's go bad, I am feeling sick after our weekend in Bozeman. Good news is I went to the doctor today, got meds and am off for a week-long trip to Boston TOMORROW! Yippy!! I am going to attend the HOW graphic design conference for 4 days and the rest I get to hang out with my friend Liz Kenny, better known as Lizard. It is her birthday and she graduates from grad school on Sunday, so I thought I would give her a little shout out below...

Love you Lizard! She is the best. If you know her or meet her or ever run into her, among her many talents are a great barking sea lion impression, an old man laugh and a one-inch smile which she will perform for just one shot of Jager. Seriously a good deal for you, the audience.
Happy birthday and graduation Lizard!!!
Trust me, these meds better kick in because I have one HUGE week ahead of me! Will keep you posted upon my return. ~ Chelsea

Love you Lizard! She is the best. If you know her or meet her or ever run into her, among her many talents are a great barking sea lion impression, an old man laugh and a one-inch smile which she will perform for just one shot of Jager. Seriously a good deal for you, the audience.
Happy birthday and graduation Lizard!!!
Trust me, these meds better kick in because I have one HUGE week ahead of me! Will keep you posted upon my return. ~ Chelsea
The Big City of Bozeman
So Katie and I had a great trip to Bozeman. I have to say, it started out a little ominous driving through a full-blown snow storm on the way there. We stayed with my friend Mark Seacat from college and woke up the next morning to sunshine for Katie's birthday! We shopped, hung out in a park, ate good food, toured campus and toured Bozeman (Katie's first trip there) and had a great day all in all. Good to get away and see different scenery. The trip might have been perfect if Mark did not have a fu man chu...see I made him cover it up for our shot together! : )

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Big Hole Adventuring... Montana
Both of us went up to Montana this weekend. However, while Chels was in the "big city" of Bozeman, I was in Melrose (pop. 100) fishing on the Big Hole River with my parents who met me there.
It was a great trip. Golfed at Old Works Golf Course in Anaconda too. Stoked to be back in Montana, fishing, and hanging with my folks....Montana has a unique feel to it the minute you hit the border that is really hard to quantify, but I always feel "at home" when adventuring there!
First shot is of Dell, MT (pop 35!)
2nd-Snow Crest Mts, ID-MT border.... I really like this shot as it reminded me of some of my travels on the South Island of New Zealand..
3rd-My folks on the Big Hole
4th-Big Hole Brown..

It was a great trip. Golfed at Old Works Golf Course in Anaconda too. Stoked to be back in Montana, fishing, and hanging with my folks....Montana has a unique feel to it the minute you hit the border that is really hard to quantify, but I always feel "at home" when adventuring there!
First shot is of Dell, MT (pop 35!)
2nd-Snow Crest Mts, ID-MT border.... I really like this shot as it reminded me of some of my travels on the South Island of New Zealand..
3rd-My folks on the Big Hole
4th-Big Hole Brown..

Friday, May 9, 2008
Go Bobcats!

So with Trevor out of town, I have been doing a whole lot of nothing. Well nothing exciting. A lot of after-hours design work has been going on (I know...yippy!) with a little bit of the guilty pleasures of watching tv on the internet (yep, that is the fun you have with no cable) and ice cream mixed in.
That is all going to change though because after work today my friend Katie and I are heading to Bozeman, Montana for the weekend. Girls weekend! Why you ask? The best part is that we are going for no real reason! It is Katie's birthday tomorrow, so that might be a reason. It is where both Trevor and I went to college and I have not been back in 5 years, so that is a good reason. I have some friends there I haven't seen in years...good reason. I don't know. We'll just have to see what Bozeman has in store for us. So excited, just mixing it up will be fun and you know what else....
It's graduation weekend!
Definitely did not know about that craziness until 2o minutes ago, but will add to the "I-am-getting-really-old!" syndrome, I suppose.
Will keep you posted on the excitement with lots of photos and goodness on my return.
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Snake float before work this morning....
My buddy Ted got a new raft yesterday and we figured that it would be a good idea to get it wet this morning. So, Ted and I got up early and went for a float before work. Fishing was pretty weak due to spring runoff finally starting to happen, but the float was great and the raft didn't sink. Check out the moose in the river in the second shot.
Heading to Montana tomorrow to float and fish on the Big Hole River for a few days....
See ya,
Monday, May 5, 2008
It's my personality
So, I have been reading this book and I am completely intrigued. It is called Do What You Are: Discover the perfect career for you through the secrets of personality type by Paul and Barbara Tieger and I am loving it. On top of that, I think because of it Trevor finally realizes why maybe my closet is not quite as spic and span as his...maybe.
If you have ever heard of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test, this is what the theories in this book are based off of and I think it is really cool. First of all you determine what personality type you are based on the four dimensions of personality type, extraversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling and judging/perceiving. There are 16 different combinations of these dimensions and therefore, basically 16 different personality types out there.
I am an INFP which they say is approximately 1 percent of the population (I feel special!) To sum it up, I focus my energy on dreams and visions, I am open-minded, curious and insightful, I seldom express the intensity of my feelings to everyone, but once I know you, I am enthusiastic and warm. Friendly, but tend to avoid superficial socializing and tend to treasure people who take the time to understand my goals and values. And it goes on, but no need to write a novel here. It also lists some of my shortcomings (what??) but no need to dwell on those. : )
I thought it was so accurate that I made Trevor figure out his personality type too and he acually liked it. He is an ISTJ, responsible, trustworthy, organized and loyal. If I had hired someone to follow him around with a clipboard for 6 months I don't think they could have summed him up better.
I thought this book was so accurate and it gives great insight to your own personality that might make you see some of your actions (or others!) in a different light. Go check it out. I know it changed Trevor's view. He finally realizes that it is not my fault that I am not the cleanest and most organized individual. Sorry Trev, I can't help it, it's my personality!
What is Stevie's type you ask? It's Cute, although he prefers handsome. Seriously, it is the 17th personality type and he is the poster child.
If you have ever heard of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test, this is what the theories in this book are based off of and I think it is really cool. First of all you determine what personality type you are based on the four dimensions of personality type, extraversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling and judging/perceiving. There are 16 different combinations of these dimensions and therefore, basically 16 different personality types out there.
I am an INFP which they say is approximately 1 percent of the population (I feel special!) To sum it up, I focus my energy on dreams and visions, I am open-minded, curious and insightful, I seldom express the intensity of my feelings to everyone, but once I know you, I am enthusiastic and warm. Friendly, but tend to avoid superficial socializing and tend to treasure people who take the time to understand my goals and values. And it goes on, but no need to write a novel here. It also lists some of my shortcomings (what??) but no need to dwell on those. : )
I thought it was so accurate that I made Trevor figure out his personality type too and he acually liked it. He is an ISTJ, responsible, trustworthy, organized and loyal. If I had hired someone to follow him around with a clipboard for 6 months I don't think they could have summed him up better.
I thought this book was so accurate and it gives great insight to your own personality that might make you see some of your actions (or others!) in a different light. Go check it out. I know it changed Trevor's view. He finally realizes that it is not my fault that I am not the cleanest and most organized individual. Sorry Trev, I can't help it, it's my personality!

Friday, May 2, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Here are a couple of shots from yesterday... The first is of me with some of the students that I work with at C-V School, getting ready for a bike ride out to Teton Village.
The second warrants a good inspection. Wyoming certainly has to have one of the highest mullets per capita population of anywhere in the world. We embrace the mullet, love the mullet, put the mullet on a pedestal.
This one I thought was right up there as one of the best. You couldn't buy a better one on line! His name is Patrick and he is an autistic student of mine. Be sure to notice the attention to detail in the sideburns ( or lack thereof).
Business in the front, party in the rear, thats how he rolls..........

The second warrants a good inspection. Wyoming certainly has to have one of the highest mullets per capita population of anywhere in the world. We embrace the mullet, love the mullet, put the mullet on a pedestal.
This one I thought was right up there as one of the best. You couldn't buy a better one on line! His name is Patrick and he is an autistic student of mine. Be sure to notice the attention to detail in the sideburns ( or lack thereof).
Business in the front, party in the rear, thats how he rolls..........

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