Bad news or good news first? Let's go bad, I am feeling sick after our weekend in Bozeman. Good news is I went to the doctor today, got meds and am off for a week-long trip to Boston TOMORROW! Yippy!! I am going to attend the
HOW graphic design conference for 4 days and the rest I get to hang out with my friend Liz Kenny, better known as Lizard. It is her birthday and she graduates from grad school on Sunday, so I thought I would give her a little shout out below...

Love you Lizard! She is the best. If you know her or meet her or ever run into her, among her many talents are a great barking sea lion impression, an old man laugh and a one-inch smile which she will perform for just one shot of Jager. Seriously a good deal for you, the audience.
Happy birthday and graduation Lizard!!!
Trust me, these meds better kick in because I have one HUGE week ahead of me! Will keep you posted upon my return. ~ Chelsea
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