The weeks are kinda getting away from us! This is a blog devoted to last weekend when we celebrated all the fine presidents of the good ol' USA by riding snowmobiles on federally owned land out to a federally owned cabin (Forest Service) and staying for a night. America, You Know it....

Me, Drew, and Brandi trying to get Kipper into her backpack for the 7 mile sled into the cabin! She was a trooper and a budding

Brandi and Kipper, one happy, one.....nervous?

7 miles of mellow riding lead us to our own cabin in the middle of nowhere complete with fresh powder, sunshine, propane heat,

Okay, let's go skiing!

Once we turned on the heat in the cabin, we unloaded and tore up the nearest road we could find which accessed a sweet ridge for some late afternoon turns and cornice jumping, courtesy of Drew.
Chels hucking huge off a cornice.

Pretty pumped to be in a valley with no tracks in sight and a warm cabin to ski down to. The cabin is in the meadow just above Chelsea's shoulders.
Chels farming some low angle regrowth powder en route back to the cabin. Yahoo. The fresh snow was the best quality snow we have seen all winter.
Lodgepole Pines make for sweet ski lines.

Chels navigating her way back down to the valley floor.

All the creature comforts of home miles from the nearest signs of civilization! If you are lucky enough to live in America, then you too should take advantage of all the federally owned cabins, guard stations, fire lookouts, etc. that are available to anyone to rent. Have a look online, you will be pleasantly surprised how many there are, what rad locations they can be found in, they are accessible, and they make camping really comfy.
Chels, Drew, and Brandi sharing an Indian meal and Drew hoarding a massive steak!

The snow was "too good" to not go for a night ride. We hopped on the 'biles and tore after it in some big, open meadows til the wee hours.

Standard fare to get anyone ready for a day of sled skiing.....hashbrowns, eggs, and bacon.....umm, hold the bacon for Chels.

Chels and I have stayed in different cabins a couple of times before. They all have their own flavor and nuances that make them cool. This time we stayed in the Johnson Guard Station which is actually in Idaho, but accessed via Auburn, WY which is about an hour and a half from Jackson.

Snow angels are a must.

The second day we found some "honey holes" that were good for sled-skiing, ie, I drive Chels to the top of a ridge, drop her off, and then we ride down together, her on skis, me on the sled. Everyone is happy!

Sometimes skiing mellow terrain can be just as fun as the rowdy stuff. Chels, always smiling when skiing, especially when its good!

The crew before we rode out. We tandem rode the day before to the top of the ridge in the background and skied/sleded back down in knee deep fluff.

Freaking Awesome! Kipper, Brandi and Drew and all the gear you need strapped on for a night and two days of fun in the middle of nowhere.
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