The ubiquitous sunrise goggle shot from our front deck in Chamonix Center before catching the bus up valley to the Grand Montets.
No good day skiing in France should be started without a baguette. Lizzy sampling the goods.
The Grand Montets tram. This was the "mid station" between the valley floor and the summit,which can be seen way at the top of the frame. Insanity!
And......, the top! All of us felt pretty light headed going from the valley floor all the way to the top in a matter of a half hour. Chamonix is in the valley on the left side of the photo.
One damn happy camper!
Geeking out, hardly believing we are in France, there is a ton of fresh snow, the sun is out, damn... Jason, Lizzy, Chels, Me, Timbo.
Ok, obviously staged shot, but who cares, it was awesome! Me, looking down into the Les Pylones.
Timbo, all smiles, with the Aiguille du Midi and Chamonix in the background.
Seriously? Sorry mountains of N. America, we love you to death, it's not your fault you just didn't grow as big as your brethren accross the pond, but come on, look at the size of dem things!
Jason and Chels getting ready to tacke the Les Pylones.
We circled back under the Grand Montets tram. It's every bit as good as a helicopter!
Easily one of the bigger highlights of our trip was hooking up with Marco for an afternoon of trying in vain to keep up with him!
The two Sullivans, looking accross the valley toward Brevent, which is the ski area we had been at the day before in the epic storm.
The crew descending the steps and getting ready for a run down the Point de Vue.
Beauty is everywhere in France.
Chelsea, critiquing Marco's turns!
Lizzy, fumbling with her camera, while our greenhorn guide Marco points out things of interest to us. We ended up going down this epic run that had boot top deep pow for thousands and thousands of vertical.
Chels, the Aiguille du Midi and the Valley Blanche. Amazing.
We finally got down to the bottom of our epic run, where, we got to ski a previously un-named run. Now, it is called....."Lizzy's Leap."
"Umm, I'm not exactly sure if we should be going this way, everyone else has a guide, harnesses, and climbing tools. Nah, it will be ok, there are tracks going that way."
We skied all the way to almost the valley floor and got into the fog layer. Then, we had to do a little boot pack out. Which........was awesome, we all got to witness Jason hike! There you go Jh peeps, photo documentation that Rolfe actually does "hike."
Me, studying a crevase, stoked I didn't ski into it. Beautiful.
One of many things the Euro's do right......., little shacks all over the mountains selling beers. After a 2 hour long run and hike, why wouldn't you have a beer shack on top of the bootpack?
Thanks for posting, so fun to watch the entire trip. I heart Cham!
I wish we could see you conquer Lizzy's Leap again!
Ahhh so jealous! Amazing pics and can't wait to see more!
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