Fifteen summers logged here in Jackson now and I am still experiencing rad new adventures all the time! Even though I think there are no more than about 5 people who look at this blog, this posts location will will be withheld! Suffice to say, it was a pretty amazing day of adventuring in the backcountry of Wyoming.
Yep, that is one massively fresh Grizzly track.
Tiny little creeks with rising fish that never see any flies are about as sweet as it gets.
This area is deep enough that it really only makes sense to ride moto's to get there. I had been in the area in the middle of winter on the sled before, but when a couple of buds were headed that way, I tagged along. Moto's and fishing, like I said, it most certainly wont grace the pages of Orvis and or Sage's new magazines!
This area, like the Hoback has about a two week window where there is enough water in the small creeks to support big fish in them. Once the water starts to warm and drop, all the fish head down to bigger watersheds.
Wyoming is the least populated state out of all 50 and we are proud of it!
There were over 100 fish caught by the three of us in the day, epic! Jeff getting into a big cuttie on a little 3 weight rod.
And yes, that is a .44 mag strapped to Jeff's board trunks in fine Wyoming fashion.
Those there are wolf track sonny...
Base camp. We rode to the edge of the motorized area and then hoofed it from there.
Jeff hammering on the quad.
The bomb!