It's staying light all the way until 8 pm these days in Jackson which means summer is around the corner, and, when it dumps snow like it has been, the work world can put in a full 8-5 day and still ski powder after work! Ted, Kristi, and I met up at Teton Pass just before 6 pm and skied an awesome pow run, coming down just before dark at 8 pm.

Ted, getting airborne.

Chels and I have been giving Teddy shit for his "Desert Storm" ski clothes that consists of what looks to be cammo green. But for his goggles, he is hard to spot launching this rock.

Ted, clearly having a different take on his "after work commute".

Landing gear is down.

Me dropping into the white room.

And emerging out.

Hauling ass into knee deep goodness.

Ted, getting what were probably the best turns since the middle of January on the last day of March!

Kristi charging.
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