I guess you could say abundant wildlife are some of the perks of living in Jackson, but really? Check it out, this is what I saw when I glanced out the window yesterday afternoon...what??? A moose in the backyard?

How in the world he ended up here is a good question...I imagine to get from the mountain in the background to here, he had to walk over a narrow bike bridge, down the road 500 yards and then make the decision to turn in to our parking lot instead of the others before it! Gray must be his color.

He ended up hanging back here for over an hour yesterday before wandering away.

He actually looks pretty healthy besides the clumpy hair which is pretty normal for this time of year. Look at him giving me his sly little eye. I think he was winking.

Much to the delight of the girls next door who were loving this spectacle, he did a little squat and peed on the lawn!

He also used our tiny little backyard tree to rub up against and get a little afternoon snack.

Here is the guy making a beeline for our flower pots...don't worry, Stevie and I were hunkering behind the glass door, but it was still a little scary to see this animal so close and coming straight at us!

Hey little moosy...hope you made it back to your buddies!
1 comment:
Wow! Moose in yard = very cool!
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